Governors of NSW

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    Governor Arthur Phillip

    Governor Arthur Phillip started his work as a governor in 1788 and ended in 1792. Before Arthur was a governor he was a farmer, he enrolled in Greenwich Hospital School, stayed there for 2 and a half years and at 1753 Arthur became an apprentice for the boat "Fortune". At 1755 Arthur left the apprenticeship and enlisted in the Royal Navy, obtaining the rank of ordinary seaman aboard the ship HMS Buckington. Born Date: 1738
    Death Date: 1814
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    Governor John Hunter

    Governor started his work as a governor in 1795 and ended in 1800. John Hunter was the son of William Hunter, a captain in the merchant service. As a boy he was sent to live with his uncle, he was sent to the University of Edinburgh, but he soon left to join the Navy as a captain's servant Born Date: 1737
    Death Date: 1821
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    Governor Phillip Gidley King

    Governor Phillip Gidley King started his work as a governor in 1800 and ended in 1806. Phillip Gidley King joined the Royal Navy at the age of 12 and he served under Arthur Phillip. He was chosen by Arthur to be a second lieutenant aboard the HMS Sirius. When Phillip Gidley King arrived in NSW he had the job to establish a convict settlement. Born Date: 1758
    Death Date: 1808
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    Governor William Bligh

    Governor William Bligh started his work as a governor in 1806 and ended in 1808. William Bligh was 7 when he joined the Royal Navy. In 1770 he was 16 and joined the HMS Hunter as an able seaman. In 1771 William was transferred from the HMS Hunter to the Crescent. William was selected by Captain Cook in 1776 for the position of sailing master of Resolution, and accompanied Cook on his third voyage to the Pacific Ocean. Born Date: 1754
    Death Date: 1817
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    Governor Lachlan Macquarie

    Governor Lachlan Macquarie started his work as a governor in 1810 and ended in 1821. Lachlan Macquarie was born on the island of Ulva, although he left the island at the age of 14 because he volunteered to be in the Army. Lachlan was appointed Governor in Chief and went to Australia on the HMS Dronedry and was also acocompanied by the HMS Hindostan. Born Date: 1762
    Death Date: 1824 ,