World war1 2

Gottlieb World War I/World War II Timeline

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    Alliance Systems

    A major allliances that formed before WWI was known as the Triple Alliance which was between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy. In this alliance, they decided that they would sign a document that said that they would give each other military support in the war. Another major alliance was the Triple Entandra where France forced Britian to be in an alliance because Britian was afraid of Germany, who had a big navy and a growing economy, while France had a declining economy and no navy.
  • Levels of Militarization

    Levels of Militarization
    Germany started out as an indepndent kingdom that didn't have a strong governemnt, but then a man named Otto Van Bismark put together the Holy Roman Empire to make a more modern state under the rule of Prussia. This then caused the country to become equipped with a powerful militray and a larger economy. There was also a military alliance with Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia that would soon attack their allies.
  • Balkan Nationalism

    Balkan Nationalism
    The Balkans consisted of Bosnia and Serbia. They were highly liked by many alliances, such as the Triple Alliance because they were a very small and weak country. This plan worked until Kaiser Wilhelm II took complete control of foreign affairs and didn't allow this to happen. Also this man dissmissed Russia from an alliance too.
  • Unrestricted Warefare

    Unrestricted Warefare
    Before the U.SEntry, Britian and France interuppted the shipping of American goods to their enemies (Germany) and ended up stopping it all together. This event caused the Germans to use their navy and submarine warfare to fight against the Americans shipping their goods. The Germans were unsuccessful with sinking their ships and Woodrow Wilson had to get involved with the war and eventually asked Congress to declare war between the Germand and the central power.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    This plan was dealing with the capturing of France and Germany giving Russia and Britian better troops. This was given to those countries because Belgium had a strong resistance which gave them an initial advancement. Then the French and Germans attacked Paris (Batlle of Marne) and these armies were the forced to dig holes to protect themselves against getting attacked by their allies. They were also using old tactics with new wepons. Also to break the stalemate the U.S had to come in.
  • Assasiation of Franz Ferdinand

    Assasiation of Franz Ferdinand
    The assaination was one of the major events that lead to World War One. Frank Ferdinand was the king of Austria-Hungary. He was assasinated by Seven young Bosnian Serbs. They had planned to assainate him for awhile. They first tried to assasinate him by throwing a bomb at his car, but they didn't suceed. The car driver didn't change routes and then ended up infront of the assasinators. They shot him in the evening he had passed away from bleeding to death. This sets off other causes (alliances).
  • Lusitania

    Lusitania was a ship that was suken by the Germans U-Boats. This ship left New York harbor for Liverpool, even though there were many threats in the newsapers of the German's sinking the ship. The captin, William Turner, was not scared at all that the U-Boats would sink their ship and kept on thier path to Liverpool.As they were traveling though, U-20, lead by a German sailsman, hit the ship and caused it to explode.This lead to a huge outrage in the U.S. and was another reason we joined the war
  • Zimmerman Telegram

    Zimmerman Telegram
    Zimmerman was a man who recieved a telegram that was offering the US terriotory to Mexico for joinig the German side of the War. This ended up bringing the US into the war and in result it changed the complete course of history. This was also a major attemp to distract the US from entering WWI.
  • U.S. Entance

    U.S. Entance
    The U.S. Entance was mainly caued by Germany illegally stopping the goods from the United States to go out of the country. This made Wilson decide to declare war on Germany. Germany disagreeded with this idea and they continued to stop the U.S. merchant ships. Wilson decided then to let the Untied States break the anti-ericy law and use highly equipped ships instead. He went to congress with this idea and they said no. Wilson ignored the adn continued lettting them do what Wilson said.
  • U-Boats

    U-Boats are German submarines that were used to destroy enemy ships that were a threat to the Germans. These ships destroyed many British warships. They wered very nervous though to destroy merchant ships because of how the US had neutral power with the British, but in 1917, the Germans destoryed man ships, which brought the US into the war. In the end, the Germans had destroyed ten million other U-boats.
  • Bolshevik Revolution

    Bolshevik Revolution
    The Bolsheviks were a revolutionary party that was very commited to the ideas of Karl Marx. The leader of this revolt was Lenin who wanted to give the working class complete economic and political control of all the other classes. This war deals with this group of people gaining this control over the higher groups of people. They redistributed land to the pesants and they tried to eliminate poverty and hunger.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This important treaty was signed after WWI between the Germans and their allies. Germany was wanted to be conquered by many countires and became more cautious and private. TheGermans expected to be able to converse with their allies, but they didn't. In the signing of this treaty, there were many arguments and nigotiations between "The Big Three", David Lloyd George, Clemenceau, and Wodrow Wilson. This was also signed to embarress Germany and give all the finances to Germany to pay off.
  • Leaugue of Nations

    Leaugue of Nations
    The league of nations was a system where nations wanted to create complete global peace. To accomplish this, they had to take away four major flaws of old Europe that ruined the peace. The flaws that had to be abolished was the competing monarchial states, become independent and self determinated countries, stop the secrecy within the nations and to have discussion with other nations, and to have a complete protection system , rather than individual military systems.
  • Rise of Facism

    Rise of Facism
    Facism is a type of government that favors a dictatorial government. The first fascist movent was by Mussolini's Blackshirts in Italy. He highly accpeted violence and didn't like the idea of education. Hitler on the other hand, was also a facist, but he went and killed many people who he thought were not good enough and didn't meet his standards. Also there was Franco from Spain and Hirohito from Japan.
  • Stalin Coming to Power

    Stalin Coming to Power
    When Stalin came into power,he wanted to modernize Russia and its economy so it coulld be advanced like the countries in the west. He created the Five Year plan where it brought all of the industry under control making sure that the products were going in and coming out of Russia properly. Stalin was very different from Lenin in the way that they ruled. Lenin believed that the factories should have been run by the soviets and Stalin wanted perfessional workers to work instead.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression was a time period when Wall Street crashed and the economy plumited causing the people in America to loose everything. They were very conserned so they called other countries for loans. This caused Britian's employment rate to increase and it also caused Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and the North of England to become in debt too. Two options that they could fufil to fix the problem was to tell them how they were all awesome or to promise solutions that couldn't happen.
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    Spanish Civil War

    In the Spanish Civil War, Spain started out as a divided country that was split into the Nationalist and the Republican political views. It had also been hit hard by the Great Depression, which made its economy decrease. Since the economy had crashed and the counry was extremely split, the people of Spain rebeled. In reaction, Germany and Italy (Francisco Franco) started to get involved. They promoted facism, where they took complete control of their government.
  • German Invasion of Austria, Sudentenlana, Czechoslovakia, Rhineland

    German Invasion of Austria, Sudentenlana, Czechoslovakia, Rhineland
    In the German invasion of many countries, there was a political union between Germany and Austria. In this union, they were able to annex Hitler, but he was still able to rise to power. Then the Austrian and German Nazi's made a government that took power in Austria eliminating the peoples voice in their country. Then Hitler took control of Austria by bulling them and forcing them to follow his ways. He did the same thing to the other countries, by making them follow his ways and taking power.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    During the German Invasion of Poland, Adolf HItler creates a foreign policy that he signs with Poland that decided to create after he came into power. The German citizens didn't approve of this treaty because Poland had many provenices. The reason that Hitler did this though was to be cautious incase that France and Poland decide to make an alliance. Poland was also very different from Germany becasue it didn't have a large German population like the other countries in the rest of Europe.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    During the fall of France, Germnay invaded six coutries in less than 100 days. Eventually two million troops invaded Belgium, France, and Luxembourg. France was able to last until June when they signed an armistice with Germany. The Nazi's occupied France making it "Vichy France" which led to allied troops that then caused the evacuation of Dunkirk.
  • Evacuation of Dunkirk

    Evacuation of Dunkirk
    The evacuation of Dunkirk dealt with the British and French troops being stuck in Dunkirk There were three hundred thousand men that were trapped. To set these men free from captivity, a man named Admiral Ramsey, set up Operation Dynamo where he tried to get as many men off the beach as he could. They sent small ships to the beach and they were able to get off the island and were transferred back to the southern port in Britian.
  • Battle of Britian

    Battle of Britian
    In the Battle of Britian, Germany's air force was trying to get air superiority over the RAF. They ended up failing, which caused a major change in World War Two and British didn't get invaded by the Germans.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    The attack of Pearl Harbor was a major reason that the US enetered World War Two. Japan had bombed a Hawiian naval base, Pearl Harbor, because they wanted to declare war on the US and Britian too. Franklin D. Roosovelt decided to act on this and declare war against Japan and also to get involved World War Two,
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    Battle of Midway

    The Battle of Midway was a war that fought over a tiny US base near midway. In this battle, the Japanese wanted to destroy the US pacific aircraft that commander Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto had decided to do. He decided to destroy the Midway defenses and then invade to capture two small isalnds to make a naval base there. The US though had known about this plan and were waiting for the Japanese. Eventually the US won and had control of Midway agian.
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    Battle of Guadalcanal

    The Battle of Guadalcanal was where the allies of the United States fought against Japan for the previously posessed island of Guadalcanal. The U.S. First Marine Division landed on the island and Japan didn't have an initial reaction to their landing. Once Japan had a reaction, it was a major struggle to figure out who got the island. In the end, Japan retreated and the US ended up regaining their island once again.
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    Battle of Stalingrad

    The Battle of Stalingrad was where two Russian armies attacked the German Sixth Army for the city of Stalingrad. Hitler ordered the German Army to stay in the city, instead of fleeting west to join the group of the German forces. By the end of the two months, many German soldiers and other German people had to join the Soviet Army and Russian Winter.
  • D-Day

    D-Day was where the allies launched a campaign to free Western Europe. This succeeded and the countries in Europe were freeded. If this wouldn't have happened, Germany would have occupied Western Europe for another year or more.
  • Bombing of Tokyo

    Bombing of Tokyo
    In the bombing of tokyo, General Curtis LeMay ordered the bombing in Tokyo in respinse to the B-9 crews were having difficulty in pinpointing where to hit Japan. LeMay then decided to bomb and raid the cities to undermine the civilians decison of bombing the US in Pearl Harbor.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE Day was the marking of the end of Hitler's reign and the war. There weremany different reactions from the people that were involved. Some of the people were happy, others were scared and reflected on the war, and other people were too busy to even notice. In the end though, nothing would ever be the same ever again.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    In the Bombing of Hiroshiman and Nagasaki was where an American B-29 bomber release a bomb over Hiroshima for the first time ever. The bombing destoyed ninety percent of the country and slaughtered eighty thousand people. Also many people were killed later becasue of the radiation exposure. Later, more atomic bombs were dropped over Nagasaki from the B-29. It killed around fourty thousand people. In reaction the Emperor, Hirohito, surrendered from WWII.
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    VJ Day

    VJ day was where the allies celebrated their victory over Japan and this marked the ending of the war in the Pacific and it was the ending of the second world war.