George Washtington Kenneth, Deaunta's timeline

  • George Washtington's was born

    George Washtington was born in 1732 in Virginia on a small
  • Obstacles

    Washtington was six or seven he went to school for a very very short period of time,and did something very important.
  • Personal Backround

    George Washtington was born in the year of 1732 in Virginia
    on a small fram. In 1789 George Washtington was elected
    the frist President of the U.S.Washtingtons last year at severing
    as President he went home, and died in the year of 1799.
  • Personality Traits

    George Washtington had a strong life and important life as well. George
    Washtington went to school for a very
    short period of his childhood.
  • Significance

    George Washtington was the first
    President of the U.S.A. He helped plan the CAPITAL City of, Washtington,
    D.C. An was named for him.