Immigration map

GCU 113 History Timeline: U.S. and AZ immigration issues

  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty was the Treaty of Peace. It ensured that the United States of America and the Mexican Republic were now at peace with a "friendship". It was signed on Feburary 2, 1848 and was necessary because the Mexican-American War was ended, leaving America to now have most of the South West, including all of Texas.
  • Ratification of the 14th Amendment

    Ratification of the 14th Amendment
    This amendments declares, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside."
    The amendment clearly means that anyone born in the United States is a citizen. This regards immigration because people are unsure if it pertains to the babies born from illegal mothers in the U.S., commonly referred to as anchor babies.
  • Mexican Revolution 1910

    Mexican Revolution 1910
    The citizens of Mexico began to up rise and revolt against their government because of economic predicaments. This resulted in thousands of Mexican citizens moving to America, looking for better work opportunities.
  • Immigration Act of 1917 passed

    Immigration Act of 1917 passed
    This law restricted immigrants that could be considered "undesirable" from entering into the US. A tax was charged per person entering; eight dollars a head. This also imposed a literacy test. Adults over 16 years old needed to read more than 20 words to prove that they were able to read.
  • US Border Patrol

    US Border Patrol
    US Border Patrol was established i 1924. It was created to add more security to inspection stations at the border. It tries to ensure that illegal immigrants do not travel to the US illegally. It also ensures that drugs and other illegal products are smuggled over.
  • Mexican Repatriation 1929

    Mexican Repatriation 1929
    This event was when citizens of Mexican decsent were forced or felt forced to leave their homes in the United States and were forced to move back into Mexico. This took places between 1929 and 1936. This was all due to the ecoomic crisis of the Great Depression.
  • Civil Rights Movement of 1960

    Civil Rights Movement of 1960
    The Civil Rights movement was a revolution. It was African-Americans fightig for civil rights. The basis behind this reason was racism.Racism plays a huge role in immigration. Does the nation not want the immigrants here because of who they are racially?
  • Immigration Reform Act

    Immigration Reform Act
    This act was signed and passed to restrict the hiring of illigeal immigrants who entered the country before the beginning of 1882.
  • Bill Clinton signs PRWORA

    Bill Clinton signs PRWORA
    The law is known to be considered a major welware reform. The personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act of 1996 denies temporary ssistance to those who are not working.
  • 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

    9/11 Terrorist Attacks
    Commonly referred to as 9/11, the 2001 terrorist attacks left the United States on defense. Because of this, the government and it's citizens have amplified the security measures to travel to and from other countries.
  • Secure Fence Act

    Secure Fence Act
    President George W. Bush signed this act on 10/26/06. This was to "protect the American people". It was signed to get a double-layed fence made along the Mexico-US border.
  • SB 1070

    SB 1070
    This act was passed to have police determine whether or not a person they have arrested is legal due to "reasonable suspicion". The entire nation has been watching to see how Arizona reacted to this being passed. Though it is only supposed to be done after police arrested for a different reason. A police officer cannot arrets a person because they think they are an illegal immigrant. This is why there have been protests against it. Protesters believe that this act is not being done accurately.
  • DREAM Act

    DREAM Act
    This act was named The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors. It was passed in 2010. It was to provide young illegals a path citizenship, which includes permanet residency.
  • Prop 200 law overturned

    Prop 200 law overturned
    The Supreme Cout decided to decline Prop 200. The proposition was to required proof of citizenship for the people turning in voting application forms. This prop was originally approved in 2004 in Arizona.
  • 1882 Immigration Act

    1882 Immigration Act
    There have been a few immigration acts passed since this first one of 1882. This immigration act passed to keep immigrants who are in America to work, out. It restricted immigration of forced laborers.