Gabb Visciano

  • Doolittle's Raid

    Doolittle's Raid
    An air-craft carrier held an Army twined-engine bomber to fly over and hit Japan along with Chinas airfeilds
    They hit most of Japan yet did not reach Chinas airfolds
    The US Hornet was the major air craft carrier
    It was a morale booster for the Americans
  • Midway

    The battle lasted 3 days, May 4-7, 1942
    Air craft carries were used again in battle, as the battle took place it was an equal fight yet, the Americas soon took offenseive power.
    The US Navy waited for the for the Japanese and ambushed them and took the vistory of midway
  • Coral Sea

    Coral Sea
    The battle lasted1day May 7th-8th 1942
    Was fought Southwest of the Solomon Islands
    It was the one of the first battles to have opposing sides using air crafts carries in battle
    Stragetic victory for both sides
  • Guadalcanal

    The battle lasted two days August 7th-9th 1942
    The aircraft carrier entered and bombarded Japanese Lunga
    Entered "Red" Beach and completed Japans airforce.
    Point the US Marines forced their way through the island and captured their supplies and left with a victory
  • Saipan

    Fought on the Mariana Islands
    Victory for the US Navy
    Japenese were hit with a surprise attack
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    The battle last over a month until march 26th
    The United States sucessfully captured the island from the empire of Japan
    Also known as Operation Detachment
    Had to capture the airfields before attacking the mainland
  • Okinawa

    82 day long battle from early april till june
    largest amphibious assalt in world war two
    allied victory
    strongly supported by the air forces on the allied side
    strongly known for the kamikaze attacks on the Japense end and the heavy numbers of the American ships and armed vehicles that destroyed the island