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FFA History

  • The NVEA

    The NVEA
    This program provides the states in this organization money for vacational education courses. Senator Hoke Smith and Representitive Dudley Hughes are both representing Georgia in the U.S. Congress are the sponsors. President Woodrow Wilson signs the act into law on Feb. 23, 1917.
  • Future Farmers of America (FFA) is established at a meeting in Kansas City, Mo.

    Future Farmers of America (FFA) is established at a meeting in Kansas City, Mo.
    The national FFA convention the first is attended by 33 delegates from 18 states. Leslie Applegate of New Jersey is selected as the first national FFA president. State associations of the New Farmers of America form regional sections and hold
    sectional meetings.
  • National FFA Convention

    National FFA Convention
    33 states are represented by 64 delegates.Thirty-five state associations with approximately 1,500 chapters and 30,000 members are now affiliated with the national organization. National blue and corn gold are adopted as official FFA colors.The Star Farmer of America award one of the first awards created by FFA is presented to Carlton
    Patton of Arkansas.
  • Official FFA Creed

    Official FFA Creed
    written by E.M. Tiffany is adopted. First national public speaking event is held. Winner: Edward Drace, Missouri. First Official Dress uniformis adopted: dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap and yellow tie.Delegates restrict membership to boys only.First official FFA manual is printed.
  • Blue Jacket

    Blue Jacket
    Blue corduroy jacket is adopted as official dress. A group of FFA officers and members travelto Washington, D.C., where they
    are greeted on the White House lawn by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
  • NFA

    New Farmers of America is founded in Tuskegee, Ala. Active FFA membership exceeds 100,000 members.
  • FFAF

    Future Farmers of America Foundation is formed to raise money from business, industry, government, individuals and sponsors for FFA programs and activities. 138,548 FFA members are serving in the armed services in World War II. First National FFA Agriculture Proficiency Award is presented for Agricultural Mechanics.
  • Law Passed

    Law Passed
    A bill is passed by the 81st Congress of the United States that grants FFA a federal charter and specifies that a U.S. Department of Education staff member be the national FFA advisor. On Aug. 30, President Harry S. Truman signs the bill, and it becomes Public Law 81-740.
  • The Merge

    The Merge
    New Farmers of America merges with the Future Farmers of America
  • Open Memebership to Girls

    Open Memebership to Girls
    FFA opens membership to girls, making it possible for them to hold office and participate in competitive events at regional and national levels. First National Star in Agribusiness, Ken Dunagan from Arizona, is named. FFA Washington Conference (now called Washington Leadership Conference, or WLC) begins.
  • Fred McClure

    Fred McClure from Texas is the first African-American elected to a national FFA office. President Gerald Ford is the guest speaker at the national FFA convention; his speech is carried live on network television.
  • Presdient

    Jan Eberly, California, becomes the first female national FFA president.
  • Organization Name Change

    Organization Name Change
    Future Farmers of America changes its name to National FFA Organization to better reflect the expanded agricultural opportunities encompassing science, business and technology, in addition to production farming. FFA opens membership to seventh- and eighth-grade students.
    • Agriscience Student Recognition Program is introduced.
  • Corey Flournoy

    Corey Flournoy
    Corey Flournoy ofIllinoisis the first African-American to be elected
    national FFA president; he is also the first urban student leader.
  • Awards

    First Agri-Entrepreneurship Awards are presented.