feonix's president timeline

  • Chester's Dad was born

    Chester's Dad was born
    Chester dad, William Arthur was born
  • Chester's mom was born

    Chester's mom was born
    Chester's mom, Malvina Stone Arthur was born
  • Chester Alan Arthur was born

    Chester Alan Arthur was born
    Chester was born in Fairfield, Vermont
  • Chester's first brother was born

    Chester's first brother was born
    chester's younger brother William was born
  • Chester and Ellen got married

    Chester and Ellen got married
    Chester and Ellen got married soon after they got enaged
  • First baby of the couple

    First baby of the couple
    Ellen got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy, William Arthur
  • 1st son died

    1st son died
    William died at only 3 years old
  • 2nd son born

    2nd son born
    Chester Alan Arthur was born only one year after his older brother had died
  • 1st daughter born

    1st daughter born
    Ellen got pregnant with their first daughter, Ellen Herdon Arthur
  • Arthur is diganosed with a sickness

    Arthur is diganosed with a sickness
    Arthur is diagnosed with Bright's Disease
  • Ellen died

    Ellen died
    Ellen died 9 years after their daughter was born at 42 years of age
  • Chester becomes vice president

    Chester becomes vice president
    Chester became vice president soon after his wife died
  • Chester and James become president & vice president

    Chester and James become president & vice president
    Arthur and Garfield were elected as the presidents
  • Garfield died

    Garfield died
    James Garfield was assassinated and died only a few months after his presidency started
  • Arthur is sworn president of the us

    Arthur is sworn president of the us
    After Garfield died Arthur is sworn president of the united states
  • Arthur offically becomes president

    Arthur offically becomes president
    Arthur is inaugurated and officially becomes president
  • Assassin trialed

    Assassin trialed
    The assassin that killed Garfield is trialed
  • Arthur passes the Pendeleton Civil Service Reform Act

    Arthur passes the Pendeleton Civil Service Reform Act
    Arthur passed an important law
  • Arthur increases Naval funds

    Arthur increases Naval funds
    Arthur signs a bill appropriating funds for the Navy's first steel vessels.
  • Brooklyn Bridge

    Brooklyn Bridge
    The Brooklyn Bridge is opened to the public to use while Chester was 2 years into his tearm
  • Korean Ambassadors visit

    Korean Ambassadors visit
    Arthur receives Korean ambassadors in New York.
  • Arthur celebrates Washington

    Arthur celebrates Washington
    Arthur issues a proclamation recommending the observance of the 100th anniversary of General George Washington returning his commission as commander-in-chief to the Continental Congress.
  • Stanard time is established

    Stanard time is established
    The US participated in an international conference to establish standard time
  • Arthur requests funds for Navy

    Arthur requests funds for Navy
    Arthur asks the legislature to appropriate funds for naval reconstruction work
  • Test Oath repealed

    Test Oath repealed
    a bill repealing the 1862 test oath, which required officeholders to swear they had never engaged in illegal or disloyal conduct.
  • Alaskan Government Act passes

    Alaskan Government Act passes
    Congress passes an act regarding civil government in Alaska
  • proclamation against settlements in oklahoma

    proclamation against settlements in oklahoma
    Arthur passed a proclamation that warned people not to settle in Oklahoma
  • Chester's time in office is up

    Chester's time in office is up
    Chester's 4 years of a presidency is over
  • Arthur died

    Arthur died
    Arthur dies of Bright's Disease
  • Statue is made in honor of arthur

    Statue is made in honor of arthur
    A statue is made and located in New York City in honor of Arthur