
Famous strikes!!!

  • Noble Order of the Knights of Labor

    Noble Order of the Knights of Labor
    This labor union was orginazied by Philedelphia garment workers in 1869 and it was open to farmers, merchants, and wage earners. the objectives were:
    1. equal pay for equal work
    2.abolition of child labor
    3.8 hours of work a day
  • American Federation of Labor ( AFL)

    American Federation of Labor ( AFL)
    This labor uniion is focused on better working conditions, better pay, union lables on produced items, and make jobs craft oriented.
  • Haymarket Square Riot

    Haymarket Square Riot
    Workers in Chicago have march for an 8 hr day protest on McComick's Harvesting machine. The police had to come and break-up the strike and 8 policemen died and left 100 injured. After that all happend, the public blamed the Anarchists (anti-government) for violence and saw unions and anarchists as a problem
  • " How the Other Halfs Lived"

    " How the Other Halfs Lived"
    This article from 1890 tells about the poor conditions of the poor people of that time. It was very dirty and dark and all around almost not humanly bearable to live in, it amazes me how people in the slums could live like that
  • Homestead Strike

    Homestead Strike
    stirke began on June 30th, 1892. Having a battle between strikers and private security agents. It was some of the most serious disputes in US labor history.This strike happend in Pittsburgh between the Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers and the Carnegie Steel Company. The final result major defeat for the union
  • The Pullman Strike

    The Pullman Strike
    This company built the town of Pullman so workers could rent homes from owner, George M. Pullman. The rents started to go high and the owner refused to lower rents. More than 27 states went on strike. Stikers won and the union leaders got arrested.
  • The Coal Strike

    The Coal Strike
    Eastern coal-mining Pennslyvanians started a stirke. President Theodore Roosevelt became involved in it because he wanted it suspended, the coal miners threatend to shut down the main water supply. This stike was the first labor episode to get the government involved.
  • "The Jungle"

    "The Jungle"
    This article that was written in 1905 shows how discusting and un-healthy the meat market prepared the meat.
  • " The Bitter Cry of Children"

    " The Bitter Cry of Children"
    This article talks about the hard labor that children were made to do in the early 1900's. The kids worked incredibly long hours with little wages and tough working conditions; even could be harmful to their bodies. At this time, they wernt even going to school; a lot of children didn't know their ABC's.
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    New law that provided the federal government the inspection of meat products to make sure they were safe for the public,
  • Triangle Shirt Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirt Factory Fire
    A fire happend at the Triangle Waist Company factory in New York City and killed 146 workers. After having these many deaths, it showed that having too many workers in one building is overly dangerous. So the government desided that they should make up new saftey codes, for future refrences.
  • Congress of Industrial Orginzation

    Congress of Industrial Orginzation
    This union was part of the AFL unti l 1935, they broke away because it advocated orginazation along industrial lines rather than craft lines. The Congress of Industrial Orginization reintergrated into the AFL in 1955.
  • The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)

    The National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act)
    This act was Pro labor, it gave labor's right to organize legallly reconized. Government gets the power to punish unfair labor practices.
  • GM sit- down strike

    GM sit- down strike
    Strike with General motors and it was the first strike that people wernt standing up and having a riot, everyone sat down and refused to do work. In the weeks that followed, the strike spread to other plants. The company gave in, and for the first time workers were able to participate in the running of GM.
  • Fair Labor Stabdards Act

    Fair Labor Stabdards Act
    There is now regulations of child labor, for the first time, mimium ages of employment and hours of working for children are regulated by federal law.
  • Major Leauge Baseball Strike

    Major Leauge Baseball Strike
    first players strike in major league baseball history. Owners and players agreed on and increase in pension fund payments and add to their salary. 86 games were missed over the 13-day period.
  • New York City Transit Strike

    New York City Transit Strike
    A strike in NYC called by transport workers, they needed a new contract with metropolitain transportation authority. Strike began at 3 AM and affected a lot of NYC commuters.
  • Steel Strike

    Steel Strike
    This strike was helf by the united steelworkers of america against the U.s steel and nine other steelmakers. The stirke lasted 53 days.