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European and North African Theater Turning Points

  • The Reichstag Fire

    The Reichstag Fire
    The German Reichstag burned down. This act of arson was blamed on the Communists, so the fire caused many of Hitler's enemies to be killed or tortured, giving him more power. Furthermore, the fire allowed the Enabling Act to be passed, which also lead to the election where the Nazis won by majority. This is a main pre-war turning point because this event gave Hitler power, and Hitler was one of the main causes of the war.
  • Remilitarization of the Rhineland

    Remilitarization of the Rhineland
    After Hitler directly defied the Treaty of Versailles, the League offered appeasement, causing Hitler to do more. He knew he would not be challenged, so the effect of the appeasement offered for the remilitarization caused Hitler to want Austria, Czechoslovakia, and then Poland. The remilitarization also gave Hitler more power over Germany and put him in a good position over France and Belgium.
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    The invasion of Poland directly started World War II because this was the event that made Britain and France finally declare war on Germany. It also introduced the German blitzkrieg strategy utilizing speed, military forces, and surprise. The invasion instigated many battles to come, and the mass destruction caused by the war. The allies of Britain and France as well as Germany got involved into the war.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany took over the Balkans in order to invade Russia. This is a turning point because it got Russia involved in the war, but this time as Germany's enemy. It also lead to more deaths and destruction. Eventually, Russia's involvement as an enemy lead to Germany's defeat in Stalingrad, which turned the tides in favor of the Allies near the end of the war.
  • Second Battle of El Alamein

    Second Battle of El Alamein
    The Second Battle of El Alemein was a turning point in favor of the Allies in North Africa. Before, Germany had slight victories and maintained their position in North Africa. However, in the second battle of El Alamein, the Allies were able to push Germany out of North Africa once and for all. When this war ended as a victory to the Allies, it was lke the war in North Africa was almost over for the most part.
  • D-Day

    The Allies rallied everything they had left and attacked in one big invasion. Although this caused many deaths, this invasion was definitely a turning point because it gave much favor to the Allies. The Allies broke through German forces and liberated France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, strengthening them. This was where the tide turned and from here the Allies had the upperhand in the war, finally causing their victory in 1945.