Energy Timeline

  • Ben Franklin proved that static electricity and lightning were same

    Ben Franklin proved that static electricity and lightning were same
    Ben Franklin
  • First electric battery invented by Alessandro Volta

    First electric battery invented by Alessandro Volta
    Alessandro Volta
  • Humphry Davy invented first effective "arc lamp"

    Humphry Davy invented first effective "arc lamp"
    Humphry Davy
  • Hans Christian Oersted, A. M. Ampere, and D. F. G. Arago confirmed relationship between electricity and magnetism

    Hans Christian Oersted, A. M. Ampere, and D. F. G. Arago confirmed relationship between electricity and magnetism
    Hans Christian Oersted
  • First electric motor was invented by Michael Faraday

    First electric motor was invented by Michael Faraday
    Michael Faraday
  • Georg Ohm defined relationship between power, voltage, current, and resistance in "Ohms Law"

    Georg Ohm defined relationship between power, voltage, current, and resistance in "Ohms Law"
    Georg Ohm
  • Joseph Henry invented eletrical relay

    Joseph Henry invented eletrical relay
    Joseph Henry
  • Thomas Davenport invented eletric motor

    Thomas Davenport invented eletric motor
    Thomas Davenport
  • Sir William Robert Grove developed first fuel cell

    Sir William Robert Grove developed first fuel cell
    Sir William Robert Grove
  • James Prescott Joule showed that energy is conserved in electrical circuits involving current flow, thermal heating, and chemical transformations

    James Prescott Joule showed that energy is conserved in electrical circuits involving current flow, thermal heating, and chemical transformations
    James Prescott Joule