Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton's Life and Accomplishments

  • Elizabeth's birth

  • Eliza meets Alexander

  • Alexander and Eliza are married

  • Alexander dies

    He dies the day after being shot by Aaron Burr in the Duel of 1804
  • Orphan Insane Asylum is established

    Elizabeth Hamilton, Isabella Graham, and Johanna Bethune worked together to establish the first private orphanage in New York City
  • Hamilton Free School is established

  • Elizabeth sells 'the Grange'

    Eliza no longer had the means to keep the house that she and Alexander built in upper Manhattan. so she had to sell it.
  • Washington Monument Cornerstone-laying Ceremony

    Eliza and Dolley Madison were present as they raised funds. Abraham Lincoln also attended.
  • Elizabeth's death

  • Alexander's papers are completed

    Eliza had her son, John Church Hamilton, edit his father's papers. They were completed in 1861, after Eliza passed away.