Mystery of matter

Mystery of matter search for elements

  • Joseph Priestly discovers new gas called oxygen

    Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier discover a new gas named oxygen, discrediting the basic theory of chemistry at the time
  • Humphry Davy introduces nitrous oxide

    Humphry Davy discovers what's now known as laughing gas. Davy started inhaling it himself to discover the effects.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev creates the periodic table

    Dmitri Mendeleev creates the periodic table
    Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev develops the periodic table
  • Marie Curie discovers new elements

    Marie Curie discovers new elements
    Marie curie discovers several elements including polonium and radium
  • Henry Mosely investigates atomic numbers

    Henry Mosely investigates atomic numbers
    Henry Mosely proves that every element's identity is based on number of protons it has