El Hierro Case Study

  • 1492

    Columbus Sails past El Hierro

    Columbus Sails past El Hierro
    Caused El Hierro to no longer be the most western point on Earth. This is because Columbus discovered more land.
  • 1996 Progress

    1996 Progress
    Has worked to become the only island in the world that is energy independent. This means that it uses completely renewable energy to power the island and its 10,000 people.
  • Hierro Consortium

    Hierro Consortium
    Everyone was fixated on switching from diesel powered generators to wind and water turbines. This resulted in no more CO2 emissions and clean energy on the island.
  • Plan For Completely Green Energy Plan

    Plan For Completely Green Energy Plan
    The island came up with a plan to start using only clean energy in order to reduce emissions to be more eco-friendly and prevent damage to the natural habitats there.
  • Closed Loop Wind/Water System

    Closed Loop Wind/Water System
    The Gorona del Viento Power Plant is a closed loop plant consisting of five windmills and two water reserves. This plant is extremely efficient and helps the island stay fully energy-independent.