
Early 20th Century Authors and Influences

By Maya.Go
  • Gertrude Stein is born

    Gertrude Stein is born
    Gertrude Stein is born to a wealthy merchant family in Alleghany, Pennsylvania.
  • Alice Toklas is born

    Alice Toklas is born
    She was born Alice Babette Toklas in San Francisco, California, into a middle-class Jewish family.
  • Ellis Island opens

    Ellis Island opens
    Millions of new immagrants start flooding into The United States.
  • Gertrude moves to Paris

    Gertrude moves to Paris
    Gertrude moves to Paris and starts collecting art and helping artists such as Mattise and Picasso.
  • Gertrude becomes partners with Alice

    Gertrude becomes partners with Alice
    Gertrude and Alice's relationship status was not legally recognised. Therefore I am not able to say "married".
  • Henry Ford produces the Model T

    Henry Ford produces the Model T
    This affordable car makes it easier for people to travel around and see more of the world.
  • World War I begins

    World War I begins
    War begins when Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assignated in Sarajevo.
  • World War I ends

    World War I ends
    Literary Modernism emerged as a result of changes in the cultural, political, and artistic sensibilities that occurred in the years following the war. Many artists and authors found themselves disillusioned after the horrors of the war years.
  • Prohibition begins in the United States

    Prohibition begins in the United States
  • Women earn the right to vote

    Women earn the right to vote
    Women in the United States earn the right to vote when the 19th Ammendment is passed.
  • F. Scott Fitzgerald published "The Great Gatsby"

    F. Scott Fitzgerald published "The Great Gatsby"
    "The Great Gatsby" was a story about the lost and loose morals that America was experiencing in the 1920's, after the "Great War".
  • The phrase "Lost Generation" is coined by Gertrude Stein

    The phrase "Lost Generation" is coined by Gertrude Stein
    Ernest Hemmingway first used it in print in an epigraph for his story, "The Sun Also Rises". Hemingway claims that Stein heard the phrase from a garage owner who serviced Stein's car. When a young mechanic failed to repair the car quickly enough, the garage owner shouted at the boy, "You are all a "génération perdue." Stein, in telling Hemingway the story, added, "That is what you are. That's what you all are ... all of you young people who served in the war. You are a lost generation."
  • Ernest Hemmingway publishes "A Farewell to Arms"

    Ernest Hemmingway publishes "A Farewell to Arms"
    This book was semi-autobiographical and a first person account of the war. It really spoke to many of the "Lost Generation" who had lived through World War I.
  • Hitler is appionted chancelor of Germany

    Hitler is appionted chancelor of Germany
    The first Nazi concentration camp opened later that same year.
  • "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas "is published

    "The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas "is published
    The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas is a 1933 book by Gertrude Stein, written in the guise of an autobiography authored by Alice B. Toklas, who was her lover.
  • Nazi Olympics in Berlin

    Nazi Olympics in Berlin
    The Nazi party wanted no Blacks or Jews to participate in the games. African American, Jesse Owens won four gold medals in track and field events.
  • World War 2 Begins

    World War 2 Begins
    4:45 AM Germany attacked Poland and starts the war.
  • World War 2 ends

    World War 2 ends
    World War II ends and Gertrude Stein writes a memoir, "Wars I Have Seen" about all she had witnessed and lived through during the wars.
  • Gertrude Dies

    Gertrude Dies
    PARIS, July 27--Gertrude Stein, famed woman writer and one of the most controversial figures of American letters, died at 6:30 o' clock tonight (Paris time) at the American Hospital in Neuilly, a suburb of Paris. Her age was 72. She had been suffering from cancer and had been in the hospital about a week.
  • Alice publishes "The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook"

    Alice publishes "The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook"
    The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book, first published in 1954, is one of the bestselling cookbooks of all time. Written by Alice B. Toklas, writer Gertrude Stein's life partner, Toklas wrote this book as a favor to Random House to make up for her unwillingness at the time to write her memoirs, in deference to Stein's 1933 book about her, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas.
  • Alice dies

    Alice dies
    Paris, March 7--Alice B. Toklas, the longtime friend of Gertrude Stein, who helped the late writer preside over a celebrated literary salon, died here early today. She was 89 years old, and had been ill for several years.