Dr. Paul Farmers Life

  • Happy Birthday Paul Farmer

    Happy Birthday Paul Farmer
    Farmer was born October 26th, 1959 in Massachusetts
  • Farmer's family moved to Florida

    Farmer's family moved to Florida
    His family packed up the bus and moved to Florida.
  • Farmer's brothers and Dad work on citrus farm

    Farmer's brothers and Dad work on citrus farm
    He works with Haitians on an orange farm. This was the first time he had interactions with Haitian people.
  • College

    Paul Farmer attended Duke University, and graduated in 1982. He attended Duke on a scholarship.
  • Helping Haiti

    In 1983, Paul Farmer went to Haiti to help the people, who were struggling, and living under the dictatorship of the Duvalier family.
  • Farmer's fathers death

    Farmer's father died in July 1984, playing a pickup basketball game. He appeared to me pretty healthy, they say he most likely died of a heart attack.