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Doctor Who Regenerations (Updated Jan 2017)

  • First Regeneration

    First Regeneration
    Life force syphoned from him by the planet Mondas, forcing a regeneration from exhaustion and a loss of strength.
  • Second Regeneration

    Second Regeneration
    Forced to change his appearance by Time Lord court order as punishment for stealing the TARDIS and breaking the non-interference law, and eventually executed by animated scarecrows.
  • Third Regeneration

    Third Regeneration
    Radiation poisoning upon prolonged exposure to the Great One's highly unstable web of Metebelis crystals.
  • Fourth Regeneration

    Fourth Regeneration
    Fell to the ground from great height after battling the Master at the Pharos Project.
  • Fifth Regeneration

    Fifth Regeneration
    Contracted spectrox toxaemia on Androzani Minor. Resisted the Master's attempt to block his regeneration with the help of his departing incarnation's various companions.
  • Sixth Regeneration

    Sixth Regeneration
    Injured during an attack on the TARDIS.
    Blunt head trauma while suffering from chronon energy starvation after his confrontation with the Lamprey.
    Exposure to focused beams of a radiation lethal to Time Lords consequent to the Rani's attack on the TARDIS.
  • Seventh Regeneration

    Seventh Regeneration
    Following a non-fatal shooting, the Doctor was taken to a San Francisco hospital, where subsequent exploratory surgery with a camera accidentally clogged a vein; the anaesthetic he had been given delayed regeneration for several hours.
  • Eighth Regeneration

    Eighth Regeneration
    Died after a ship he was in crash-landed on Karn, but was temporarily resurrected to consume the Sisterhood of Karn's Elixir of Life and control his next regeneration into a "warrior" capable of fighting in the Last Great Time War.
  • War Doctor (Ninth Regeneration)

    War Doctor (Ninth Regeneration)
    Regenerative process triggered automatically at the conclusion of the Last Great Time War; implied to be the result of old age. (Date Unknown)
  • Tenth Regeneration

    Tenth Regeneration
    Directly absorbed Time Vortex energy from the Bad Wolf to save the life of Rose Tyler, causing fatal cellular degeneration.
  • Eleventh Regeneration (No Doctor Change)

    Eleventh Regeneration (No Doctor Change)
    Grazed by the blast from a Dalek gun stick, causing a regeneration. However, the Doctor directed the regenerative energy to his severed hand, and thus aborted a full regeneration, healing the damage he had sustained without needing to actually change. Afterwards, Donna Noble touched the energised hand's container, and an instantaneous biological Meta Crisis was created, allowing the energy to regenerate the entire missing body of the Doctor into the Meta-Crisis Doctor.
  • Twelfth Regeneration

    Twelfth Regeneration
    Intentional radiation poisoning incurred in order to save the life of Wilfred Mott
  • Thirteenth Regeneration (New Cycle)

    Thirteenth Regeneration (New Cycle)
    Neared death from old age after exhausting all of his regenerations. Granted a new regeneration cycle by the Time Lords. Initially underwent an explosive "reset" that regressed his current body to a younger state. Later underwent a full regeneration inside the TARDIS.
  • Fourteenth Regeneration

    Fourteenth Regeneration
    Unknown causation, confirmed last season this year.
    Rip Capaldi.