Dmitri mendeleev (1)

Dmitri Mendeleev

  • Dmitri Mendeleev date of berth

    Dmitri Mendeleev, the youngest of 17 children he was born on 7 February 1834 in Tobolsk Siberia Russia. His father Ivan Pavlovich was a teacher at a local gymna-sium and mother Maria a home maker.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev childhood

    His family faced one crisis after another. When Dmitri was little his father a teacher went blind and his mother went to work. She became the manager of a successful glass factory. Tragedy struck again in 1848 when the factory burned down and the family faced poverty.
  • How Dmitri Mendeleev created the periodic table

    He arranged elements in rows by increasing atomic weight, then linked those rows into columns based on similar properties. While constructing his version of the periodic table, Mendeleev noticed that some spaces were better left empty, because there was no known element that had the necessary characteristics.
  • Dmitri Mendeleev date of death

    Dmitri Mendeleev died on the 2 of February 1907 at the age of 72.