Development of the Periodic Table

  • John Dobereiner and Triads

    In an atomic triad, the middle element's atomic mass is the average of the atomic masses of the other two elements in the triad. Scientists look at this law as a coincidence because his idea is not consistent with other elements.
  • John Newlands and Octaves

    John Newlands and Octaves
    Elements should be arranged in order of atomic number and elements arranged in a row have similar properties. Every eighth element resarts the patter like a music octave giving this law the name, "The Law of Octaves"
  • Lothar Meyer and the Table

    Lothar Meyer and the Table
    Meyer noticed that when the atomic mass of an element is plotted against the atomic volume, they make specific groups that have similar characteristics. He then stated that row one has 2 elements, row two has 8 elements and then it continues 8, 18, 18.
  • Dimitri Mendeleev and the Periodic Table

    Dimitri Mendeleev and the Periodic Table
    Dimitri Mendeleev proposed the first accurate periodic table. He also predicted the place on the periodic table and their properties before they were even discovered.
  • Lord Rayleigh and the Noble Gases

    Recieved the Nobel Peace Prize for the discovery of the noble gases along with William Ramsey. Noble gases all have characteristics such as being odorless, colorless, and very low chemical reactivity.
  • William Ramsey and the Noble Gases

    Along with Lord Rayleigh he discovered the noble gases and won the Nobel Peace Prize for his work. Noble gases are the elements in group 18.
  • Henery Mosely and the Periodic Table

    Henery Mosely and the Periodic Table
    Mosely took the measurements of X-Ray wavelengths from different elements and those measurements coincided to the ordering of elements on Mendeleev's Periodic Table.
  • Glenn Seaborg and the Lanthanide and Actinide Series

    Glenn Seaborg and the Lanthanide and Actinide Series
    Seaborg discovered the Lanthanide and Actinide Series after identifying eight elements in this series. After his death the element seaborgium was given his name.