Development of the periodic table

  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Lavoisier created a list of the 33 known elements
  • Johann Dobereiner

    Dobereiner grouped the elements according to atomic weight
  • Jakob Berzelius

    Berzelius creates a table listing certain elements by atomic weight, this is also the first table to represent the elements with letters
  • Johann Dobereiner

    Dobereiner listed the elements according to his law of triads in which groups of 3 elements were put together with the weight of the middle element is the average of the other two's weights
  • John Newlands

    Newlands arranged the 62 known elements acording to atomic weight and he found that every element had the same chemical properties after the ones 8 elements before and after it. this was known as the law of octaves
  • Dimitri Mendeleev

    Mendeleev created a table listing the elements in increasing size of atomic weight and put elements with similar properties underneath each other. the table featured all 66 known elements and left gaps for unknown elements when an elements properties didn't match the one above it
  • Lord Rayleigh

    Rayleigh discovers argon but it didn't fit into any catagories so it was debated why it was odd and where it should go, eventually it was decided that similar would be discovered later for it to be grouped with
  • William Ramsey

    Ramsey discovers some more of the noble gases to group with argon
  • Marie Curie

    Curie discovers radium and polonium the first two radioactive elements in the table
  • Henry Moseley

    Moseley rearranged Mendeleev's periodic table by ordering the elements by increasing atomic number not atomic mass