Quantum mechanical model

Development of the Atomic Model by Kayla Holbrook

  • John Dalton- The First Atomic Model

    John Dalton- The First Atomic Model
    The model, through multiple experimental methods, is the first scientific theory of the atom, The model has no sub-atomic particles and the atoms are described as tiny, indivisible particles with no internal structure.
  • J.J Thompson- Plum Pudding Model

    J.J Thompson- Plum Pudding Model
    With the discovery of the first sub-atomic particle, Thompson also discovered that atoms are made up of + and - material. These charges equal a nuetral charge. Thompson created the "Plum Pudding" model to show the atom as a clump of positive material with negative electrons spaced.For this model, Thompson used the cathode ray tube for his discovery of the electron.
  • Ernest Rutherford- Nuclear Model

    Ernest Rutherford- Nuclear Model
    With the results of the "Gold Foil" experiment, Rutherford found that atoms are not solid. In fact, atoms are empty. Rutherford discovered that the mass of the atom and the positive charges in the atom are located in the nucleus. With the electrons spaced out randomly, the nucleus is found in the center of the atom.
  • Neils Bohr's Planetary Model of the Atom

    Neils Bohr's Planetary Model of the Atom
    Bohr determined that the electrons move in concentric fixed orbits around the nucleus, and that is what keeps the atom from collapsing on itself.
  • Erwin Schrodinger's Equation

    Erwin Schrodinger's Equation
    Mathemical equations to describe electron movement was the creation of Erwin Schrodinger's.
  • Bohr's/Schrodinger's to The Quantum Mechanical Model

    Bohr's/Schrodinger's to The Quantum Mechanical Model
    Electrons are arranged in different quantums around the nucleus. The electrons contain different energy levels, starting with the lowest. The levels are are said to be like the rungs on a ladder. You can be on one level at a time, not in between.