Dates and Events for evolution of the structure of the periodic table

  • Hennig Brand discovered phosphorous

    The first scientific discovery of an element occurred in 1649 when Hennig Brand discovered phosphorous.
  • Joseph Black

    Joseph Black isolated carbon dioxide, which he called fixed air.
  • Henry Cavendish

    Henry Cavendish discovered hydrogen as a colorless, odourless gas that burns and can form an explosive mixture with air
  • Antoine Lavoisier

    Antoine Lavoisier wrote the first extensive list of elements containing 33 elements & distinguished between metals and non-metals
  • Middle Ages

    20 elements found
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton proposed "Dalton's Law" describing the relationship between the components in a mixture of gases.
  • Johann Dobereiner

    Johann Dobereiner developed groups of 3 elements with similar properties
  • Lothar Meyer

    Lothar Meyer develops an early version of the periodic table, with 28 elements organized by valence
  • More elements been discovered

    By 1869, a total of 63 elements had been discovered. As the number of known elements grew, scientists began to see patterns in the properties of elements and began to develop classification schemes.
  • William Ramsay

    William Ramsay discovered the Noble Gases.
  • Bequerel

    Bequerel discovered that electrons and beta particles as identified by the Curies are the same thing.
  • Henry Moseley

    Henry Moseley determined the atomic number of each of the elements and modified the 'Periodic Law'.