Creation of the Periodic Table

  • John Dalton

    John Dalton gave all the (36) elements a symbol and arranged them in order of atomic mass.
  • Johann Dobereiner

    At this time 55 elements have been discovered so Johann Dobereiner combined the elements into groups of 3
  • John Newlands

    Arranged 60 known elements by there atomic mass in a grd called the law of octaves
  • Dmitri

    Used cards to arrange elements by atomic mass, and relation.
  • Electrons

    Discovery of electrons by J.J. Thomson.
  • Modern table

    Used atomic number instead of atomic mass
  • Electron Config

    Discovery of electron configuration. This led to a change in the periodic table creating the table as we know it today.
  • Antoine-Laurent

    Seperated Elements in Metals, Non-metals and 'Earths'