Colonel Sanders

By johisa1
  • Birth

    Colonel Sanders was born
  • Wilbur David dies

    Colonel Sanders dad Wilbur David dies when he is only six years old.
  • School

    When Colonel Sanders was in 7th grade he dropped out.
  • Army

    Sanders faked his date of birth and signed up for the United States Army at the age of sixteen,
  • Married

    He married Josephine King in 1908
  • lawyer

    Colonel sanders practiced law in 1915
  • His law career ended

    His law career ended when he fought a client in the courtroom
  • Trade Marks

    Colonel Sanders began to start his distinctive look, growing his trademark mustache and gatee.
  • Kentucky Colonel

    Colonel Sanders was given the title Kentucky Colonel in 1935 by the Governor Ruby Laffoon.
  • Marrige Ended

    Colonel Sanders's marrige ended in 1947
  • Broke

    Colonel sanders went broke becasue the government built a highway that passed by his resturant
  • Moved

    Colonel Sanders moved his resturant and by the 1960's he had more than 400 resturants in his chain
  • Sold

    Colonel Sanders sold his resturant chain but he still worked as the spokesman for Kentucky Fried Chicken
  • Death

    Colonel Sanders dies.
  • Museum

    A museum was made for him in lousville