Cold war to present Chase Freeman

  • Cold war

    Cold war
    After ww2 tensions grow between the Soviet union and and the western countries including US, Great Britain, France.
    After Nazi Germany fell Germany was split into two eastern countries and western countries except Berlin was split in to two itself due to it being the former capital of Germany, the soviet union blocked trucks from delivering food to western Berlin which lead to the US airlifting in food. A wall was built through Berlin which separated Berlin, Austria Czechoslovakia wereussr
  • Elvis

    Elvis was a singer and dancer that many people enjoyed due the the beat and the rhythm and beat of the music he made. He was also known as the king of rock because he was the first to make music like rock.
  • jackie robinson

    jackie robinson
    Jackie Robinson was a African american baseball player for the Brooklyn dodgers, he is most famous for being very good and for being a wide renowned public figure for kids.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    War broke out between the US and Communist Vietnam, The US goal was to try and keep communism out of south Vietnam, in 1975 we returned home in defeat. The public did not think that the war was a good idea so many protests happened around the US and in one case 4 people were shot my MP but nothing can be said why shots were fired.
  • Berlin wall

    Berlin wall
    A was built between the eastern and western Berlin western being free vote capitalist and eastern being communist, People wanted to go to western Germany due to people not liking communism. The wall finally fell on November 9 1989 due to the fall of the soviet union. There were no more tensions after this and Germany was returned.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    The soviet union placed missiles in Cuba to be in range of the US, The US was in panic and they debated to the soviet union to take the missiles out the Public was in a panic due to them being in range. The soviets finally took the missiles out of Cuba but we had to take our missiles out of turkey.
    The public was finally at ease due to the missiles being taken out of cuba.
  • The assassination of MLK

    The assassination of MLK
    MLK was assassinated was killed on a balcony from a bullet that hit him in the neck in the town of Memphis Tennessee where he came to lead a peaceful protest but many disagreed with him which lead to his death. The public was very sad due to African Americans almost being free but the death of MLK brought there fight to a fall.
  • Man On The Moon

    Man On The Moon
    Neil armstrong and buzz aldrin landed on the moon and took there first steps out. The US was at a space race with the soviet union after we made it the soviets spend way to much money they didn't have on the project causing hyper inflation soon after the Soviet union fell. The public was happy that the us made it to the moon.
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the united states, He won the cold war for the US by making many weapons which then the soviet union had to keep up but it caused hyper inflation and which lead to the fall of the soviet union. The public had a very good opinion on him for the creation of Reaganomics which kept the US on track.
  • Persian gulf war

    Persian gulf war
    the gulf war aka operation desert shield for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and operation desert storm in its combat phase. The country of Kuwait was being invaded by Iraq for its oil. But the US, great Britain and France stepped in to defend Kuwait. The public didn't like the idea of invading.
  • Iraq Afghanistan wars

    Iraq Afghanistan wars
    War in Afghanistan broke out in response of the 911 attacks Canada and France were there first to attack the US came in soon after the war has been raging and the killing of osamo bin laden made a major foot hold. The public wasnt all for it but many were happy for the death of osamo bin ladan many thought it was going to be the end of the war but it wasn't..
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
    Hurricane Katrina was the most costliest hurricanes in history,
    It decimated homes across the eastern coast and the gulf of mexico most homes were reduced to nothing causing many to go homeless, and businesses to go out of business most people. Left there home to go to higher ground when they came back they found there homes completely under water. The public was down in the dumps due to the loss of many and there homes.