Cold War timeline

  • Creation of HUAC(House committee on Un-American activities

    Creation of HUAC(House committee on Un-American activities
    This committee was created to investigate communist influence in and out of the U.S. government after WWII. The committee had more activity after suspicions of communist involvement arose from well known celebrities in the U.S.. This caused some celebrities to be investigated and put on trial. Some celebrities claimed it violated their first amendment rights and were later blacklisted, bringing an end to their Hollywood careers. This shows how seriously communism was taken in the u.s. back then.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    Conference including, Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt, after WWII. its' purpose was for the leaders to discuss the surrender of Germany. Stalin would get territory in Poland and soviet control in Eastern Europe. Roosevelt wanted soviet help and support of future United Nations. In the end Stalin signed the agreement and liberated Europe, allowing free and open elections. This is important in regards to the fact that Stalin later broke some of his promises, escalating to the Cold War tensions.
  • Iron Curtain Speech

    Iron Curtain Speech
    A speech given by Winston Churchill addressing the separation of Eastern and Western Europe due to communism in the Soviet bloc of Eastern Europe. He implied that the countries surrounding the Soviet nation could later be under communist influence. This set the stage for organizations and investigations that were later conducted to prevent communism in the United States.
  • Creation of CIA

    Creation of CIA
    The Central Intelligence Agency was created under the national security act to gather secret information about foreign governments. In regards to the Cold War the CIA helped secretly gather information on the Soviet Union and played a big role in major world affairs.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    Stalin created a blockade and prevented currency from going into Berlin. The U.S. decided to drop food, water and medicine to the people in Berlin. This caused the Soviet Union to take down the blockade and Russia failed. West Germany became an independent nation. This event highlighted the technological resources of the U.S. and portrayed Americans as heroes, solving situations without starting another war.
  • The Hiss Trial

    The Hiss Trial
    The trial involving Alger Hiss in conviction of being involved in a soviet spy ring during WWII. He was convicted of perjury and spent 4 years in jail. He was put on trial by HUAC. Hiss was affect by the strong force of American anti-communism, and this trial showed the importance of anti-communism during the Cold War/ 1950's.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    The Korean War was a war between North Korea and South Korea on the 38th parallel. The war also involved the U.S. which only entered on the behalf of South Korea.This was the first military action during the Cold War, and the Korean Peninsula is still divided today.
  • The Checkers Speech

    The Checkers Speech
    A speech given by Richard Nixon after negative controversy about his salary. He spoke about the accusations directed toward him and challenged his candidate(Eisenhower) to do the same thing and speak about this salary as well. He later lost the election to Eisenhower.
  • Election of 1952

    Election of 1952
    Election where Eisenhower defeated Stevenson(democrat). At this time there were three parties and there was speculation as the whether the dixiecratic party would come to place. The election was conducted against the back drop of the red scare and Eisenhower seemed to be a great candidate for presidency at this time.
  • The Rosenberg Trial

    The Rosenberg Trial
    The Rosenberg's were a married couple with put on trial during the Cold War in conviction of conspiracy to commit espionage, meaning they were spying and selling nuclear secrets to the soviets. They were the first ever to be sentenced to death for spying.
  • Cuba Revolution

    Cuba Revolution
    Guerrilla fighters had been rising up against the corrupt cuban dictator, Fulgencio Batista. A new communist regime led by Fidel Castro had come to power in Cuba. President Kennedy sent troops to revolt against the communists, but they were captured and killed. Kennedy did nothing to help the troops and was strongly criticized for his actions.
  • Geneva Conference

    Geneva Conference
    Conference where the Geneva Accord documents were released, relating to Indochina. The conference involved a representative from France, Britain, Soviet Union, Th republic of china, and Viet Minh. The U.S. refused to sign it. It divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel, and the Viet Minh communists took the north and the French took control of the south.
  • hurricane hazel

    hurricane hazel
    Hurricane Hazel was a devastating Hurricane that caused a large amount of damage during the 1950's. It is a very important part of histrionics because it occurred before there were relief systems put in place to help people after hurricanes. This event set the stage for emergency relief management systems, put In place to help places recover from devastating occurrences.
  • The U-2 Incident

    The U-2 Incident
    This event involved the USSR shooting down an American spy plane and capturing its pilot. Eisenhower had to confess and tell the situation and the information found by the spy to the public. This caused the USSR to be even more hostile towards he U.S..
  • Cuban Missile crisis

    Cuban Missile crisis
    Missiles fron he Soviet Union were put into Cuba and there was a major conference in regards to what decision should be made to solve the situation. they ween; t sure whether to put up a blockade, bomb Cuba with or without warning, or try to make an agreement. Kennedy agreed to krushchev's terms and the missiles were later removed.