Cold war

Cold War

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    Cold War

  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Major Nations Involved- Turkey, Greece, and the U.S.
    Important Leaders- Truman and Congress The U.S. gave Turkey and Greece $400 million for economic assistance. It helped those countries put down communist revolts.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    Nations Involved- Western European Countries and the U.S.
    Important Leaders- George Marshall Between 1948-1952 the plan provided $12 billion in aid to Wastern Europe countire to help contain communism.
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    Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Major Nations Involved- Soviet Union, germany, U.S., France, Britian, and Berlin.
    Important Leaders- Truman, Stalin Germany was divided after WW2 and when reconjoined the soviet part (Berlin) did not. They though they would lose power. So the Soviet Soliders cut off Berlin. But The U.S. sent supplies through the air (by plane) for abput a year.
  • NATO

    Nations Involved- Counties of Western Eurpoe (Democratic)
    Important Leaders- Leaders of Western European Countries (Democratic) They would defend nations againt any Soviet agression.
  • Communist Takes Control of China

    Communist Takes Control  of China
    Important Nations Involved- China
    Imporant Leaders- Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong Zedong overthrew Kai-Shek and started a communist nation. Now communism controled 1/4 of the Earth.
  • Red Scare/ McCarthyism

    Red Scare/ McCarthyism
    Nations Involved- America
    Important Leaders- Joseph McCarthy and Senate People started accusing others of being Soviet Union spys. McCarthy had a list of 57 state employees that were accused communists. It was not true though. Later the Senate decided to censure him.
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    Korean War

    Major Nation Involved- North Korea (Soviet Union), South Korea (United States)
    Important Leaders- Truman, Douglas MacArthur, Eisenhower, Leaders of North and South Korea. North Korea tried to seize South Korea to spread communism. The United Nations acted quickly. At first North Korea was winning, but soon the South started fighting back. Inchon was a big win for South Korea. In the end 54,00 Americans and 2 million Koreans died.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Warsaw Pact
    Nation Involved- Countries of Eastern Europe (communist)
    Important Leaders- Leaders of Eastern European Countires (communist) The Soviet military alliance. Everyone in it had to be completely loyal to the Pact.
  • Sputnik

    Major Nations Involved- Soviet Union
    Important Leaders- Nikita Khrushchev The worlds first artifical satellite launched from the Soviet Union. Americans relized they needed to step up their game in the "space race".
  • NASA

    Impotant Nations Involved- The U.S.
    Important Leaders- John F Kennedy The goal was to compete with the Soviets sapce technology. The U.S quickly moved ahead in the "space race".
  • Bay of Pigs

    Bay of Pigs
    Major Nations involved- Cuba, Soviet Union, The U.S.
    Important Leaders- Fidel Castro, John F. Kennedy, Eisnehower The Soviet Union was supplying economic aid to Cuba. Eisenhower had Cuban exiles invade. They landed at the Bay of Pigs but failed. Kennedy vanceled air support becuase the exiles were quickly rounded up.
  • U-2 Spy Planes

    U-2 Spy Planes
    Major Nations Involved- Soviet Union and The U.S.
    Important Leaders- Kennedy and Khruschev Gary Powers was flying a U-2 spy plane across the Soviet Union border (illegal) when he was shot down. When he got to saftey he was tried and spent 10 years is prison. But he made a deal and got out of jail 8 years early. He then became a Soviet Spy.
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    Vietnam War

    Major Nations Involved- Vietnam, U.S,
    Importsnat Leaders- John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, Ho Chi Minh, Richard Nixon, Khmer Rouge The Soviet Union backed North Vietnam and U.S backed South Vietnam. The Soviet Union started falling to communism.The U.S worried it would start a domino therory. The U.S started to train South Vietnam soilders to fight back against communism. North Vietnam attcked a U.S baot which caused Johnson to inacted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to fight back by any means.
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    Vietnam War (2)

    Americans had a hard time telling who was Vietcong.In 1968, the Vietcong attacked. This was called the Tet Offensive. It proved that Vietcong were not going to give up. Nixon ordered a bombing of Cambodia. North Vietnam ended up capturing Saigon, then they ened up capturing Rouge's government. Rogue made peoplw work from dusk to dawn, but the he fell to communism.By the end of the war, around 58,000 Americans died.
  • Berlin Wall Built

    Berlin Wall Built
    Major Nations Involved- East and West Germany
    Important Leaders- Leaders of East and West Germany The Eastern people fled to Western Germany. They built a wall so no one could escape. If they tried to escape they would be captured or shot. The wall was a symbol of the Cold War because it divided Europe.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis

    Cuban Missle Crisis
    Major Natoins Involved- Soviet Union, Cuba, The U.S.
    Important Leaders- John F Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev Soviets built missile bases on Cuba. American warships didn't let missle ships through. At the last minute the Soviets turned back. Khrushchev took missles out of Cuba. The Cold War almost became a neuclear war.
  • SALT 1 SALT 2

    SALT 1 SALT 2
    Mjor Nations INvolved- The U.S and The Soviet Union
    Imporstant Leaders- Richard Nixon, and the Leader of the Soviet Union in 1972. A treaty that was agreeing to limit the number of neuclear warheads and missle they could build,
  • Star Wars

    Star Wars
    Major Nations Involved- U.S and Soviet Union (kind of)
    Important Leaders- Ronald Regan He hoped to created a defense program to shoot down Soviet Union missles from space.
  • Glasnost

    Major Nations Involved- Soviet Union
    Important Leaders- Mikhail Gorbachev A policy of speaking out honestly and openly. He hoped if people had open disscussions of problems it would help the nation find solutions.
  • Fall of Communism

    Fall of Communism
    Major Nations Involved- Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Albania, Poland, Germany and the Soviet Union.
    Important Leaders- Lech Walesa, Gorbachev, and leaders of the other nations. Peacful protests swept East Germany. The communist governmants became democracy. And the Berlin wall was dmolished and Germany was reunited.