
Callais WWI & WWII project

By Dr.Nick
  • U-boats

    Short for Underseeboot, the german operated submarines designed in 1850 to travel undetected by the opposing militaries. The boats were used for underwater attacks against the britih and US forces, they were also useful fleet weapons against enemy naval warships. They were important to the war because they were a revolutionary ship introduced to the naval fighting force.
  • Growing Militariation Pt. 1

    Growing Militariation Pt. 1
    The military was increasing in countries that were going against each other. They were increasing because each country was getting more resources to make their country greater. Every country was afraid of getting overpowered so they all just kept increasing their military uptake until they had undefeatable armies and navies. In the early 1900s Germany’s military and navy was growing greatly. Britain was feeling as if they needed to have the bigger military force, so they began to improve. The tw
  • Growing Militarition pt.2

    Growing Militarition pt.2
    Germany’s military and navy was growing greatly. Britain was feeling as if they needed to have the bigger military force, so they began to improve. The two countries were now competing to have the better military. This is very similar to what happened in the other countries. That is why militarization was beginning to grow rapidly all over the world.
  • Assassination Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination Franz Ferdinand
    The Sirbian group the Black hands was upset with the Austrians so tey planed to kill the arch Duke Franz Ferdinand. They sent severil killers after him to get the job done. Finally after his driver took a wrong turn he endedup at a cafe where one of the hired gunmen was waiting. He shot the Arch Duke along with his wife. This started a major conflict and some say this was th beginning of the first world war.
  • Alliance System Building

    Alliance System Building
    Many of the countries formed alliances prior to the war. This created sides for each to fight for witch is what changed this war from being a war based in Europe to a war fought world wide. The US joined with the french and the British. While the Germans, Austrians, Italians along with some African countries became allied prior to the war as well.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    The trenches in the trench warfare era were used primarily for protection for soldiers. The british soldiers had three stations set up. The trenches in the front; the front line, is where the most warfare went on. Next was the support trench where men were waiting to help with supplies for the soldiers in the front line. Behind the support trenches, reserve trenches were dug several yards back for emergency purposes. This was what they used as protection, and it kept them safe longer.
  • US Entrry

    US Entrry
    The Us entered WW1 in 1917 because Germany was using submarine warfare to attack American warships. This was the way Germany had decided to draw the US into the war because of allied countries. President Wilson asked congress to arm the military ships, but they disagreed. Wilson claimed that they had agreed, and armed the ship anyway. They then had conflict and officially declared war on Germany.
  • Bolshevik Revolution of 1917

    Bolshevik Revolution of 1917
    The Bolshevik's were a rising political group in the early 19 hundreds in Russia. They were the supportive of the ideas of Karl Marx. This was impotaing because they caused a revolution in Russia changing the way the country was ruled and this was significant to the war because they became comunists which brought up many conflicts later on in history.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations was declared in 1919 to help unify the states and countries to stop aggression and fighting. The League Covenant was signed in 1920 by 48 states to end the fighting. It ended many disputes for about a decade until other fights and wars began to break out.
  • Rise of Fascism

    Rise of Fascism
    The Countrys Italy Geramny and Japan were struggling after the first world war was over. Many riots were happening, the people were living in poverty, and they needed leaders. The Fascist leaders Mussolini (Italy), Hitler (Germany), Hirohito (Japan) were all very strong speakers with very deep promisis of baling out their countrys. Their goals were to restor the honor of the coutrys that had been lost after the first world war. These elected officials were the leaders behind the second world wa
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty at the end of World War 1. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed June 28th 1919. In it, it stated that Germany had to agree that they were one of the causes to the start of the war. It also said that countries had to pay the other countries back in the damage that they caused.
  • Stalin coming to power in Russia

    Stalin coming to power in Russia
    In 1929, Joseph Stalin finally gained complete control of Russia. He had five year plans that brought industrial development under the state and other things too. After 1917, Stalin held many non important party positions which he used to see which people he could trust. In his early years he became a follower of Lenin and attended secret meetings. During this time he was arrested 8 time and exiled but escaped 7 times.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    An econoic epssion in the US which had a very large impact all around the world. The stock market crashed and caused the very wide spread of poverty in the USA. This is very closely related to the rise of fashism because the depression not only created problems for the US but the the European countrys as well. The US was an economic power house and was envolved with almost all trade which was a problem for the other nations.
  • Spanish Civil War

    Spanish Civil War
    The country was divided politicall and militarily Francisco Franco was a general who during this trying time for spain began to gain followers along with power. He began a protracted war with the established government. This began the war and the type of government was the main dispute between the two parties Fashisom Was one of the idels along with Nationalizam. They continued to fight untill april 1 1939 the war ended with the victory of the conservative Nationalists.
  • German Invasion of Austria pt. 2

    German Invasion of Austria pt. 2
    step in and take control of the situation making it seem like he made everything better, even though he was the one that started it in the first place. On Wednesday March 9th 1938 a vote was sent around Austria to see if people wanted Germany to take over. This made Hitler very angry, and on Saturday March 12th 1938 Hitler took over Austria.
  • German Invasion of Austria

    German Invasion of Austria
    Hitler was a native of Austria. He wanted to re-unite Germany and Austria because he was from there. Austria, however, did not want to unify with Germany. They did not want to be under Hitler’s rule or be apart of what they were doing. Hitler also wanted to take over Sudetenland which was a part of Czechoslovakia. This was on the border of Austria and Hitler wanted it. Since Austria wouldn’t unify, Hitler ordered Austrian Nazis to create problems within the country. Hitler would then step in and
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    This is the invasion that began WWII in Europe. The Germans invaded Poland aong with the Soviet Union, and a small Slovak contingent. This were the initail fighting of WWII began witch from this point after more and more countrys joined in. This lead to WII becaue it wa the first time a country was invaded by others and the the allances began to join up and the fighting started.
  • Fall of France pt. 2

    Fall of France pt. 2
    is coming to take over their part of the country. He withheld from telling France about the recent surrender from Belgium. On May 26 troops are evacuated from Dunkirk.On June 17 France was taken over by Germany.
  • Fall of France

    Fall of France
    Germany wanted to have France as its own, so Hitler decided that he was going to invade France in the 1940’s. On May 10, 1940, Germany made its first attack on France sending a frenzy through the entire country. But while the first attack was happening in Belgium and Holland, Germany sent more troops into other parts of the country. On May 12 and 13 armed forces crossed the Meuse. By May 18 all armed forces had been sent into France to invade. On May 25 King Leopold warns Britain that Germany i
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Battle of Britain: The Battle of Britain was between the German Luftwaffe and the British Royal Air Force. It was the first battle that was fought in the air. It happened between July and October of 1940. The battle, was the result of a German plan to win air superiority over Southern Britain and the English Channel by destroying the British air force and aircraft industry.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This was the First atcak on american soil in WWII. The Japanese armies flew hundreds of planes and bombed Pearl Harbor wich is an American Naval base located in Hawaii. The Japanese bombed the harbor killing many american soldiers. This was the reason for President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress to declare war on Japan.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    The battle of Stalingrad is considered by most Russians as the greatest battle of their Great Patriotic War. It stopped the German advance into Russia in World War II. Stalingrad was an important target for the Germans because it was an industrial city producing armaments and tractors. It would also give them a route into the Russian oil fields. There were 1,100,000 Russian soldiers dead, missing, or captured in the attempt to defend the city.
  • Battle of Midway/Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Midway/Battle of Guadalcanal
    The Japanese had been defeated at the Battle of Midway. The Imperial army decided to change thier planes from trying to expand their forces to concentrating them instead at caputuring one island at a time. This was also a turning point for the American forces where they began to recapture the islands. The First confrentation was at Guadalcanal. The American were able to capture the island with relitive ease and then contenuerd to capture the rest of the islands.
  • D-Day

    By June of 1944 most of Europe was under the control of the Nazis. On June 6 the allies launched their attempt to liberate Europe. On the morning of June 6th, 3,000 landing aircrafts, 2,500 other ships, and 500 naval vessels left English ports. The night before, 822 planes dropped paratroopers over the border into Normandy that would help aid the troops landing on the beach. Hitler was hesitant about launching a counterattack but sent a Panzer division into the gap between Juno and Sword Beach.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    VE Day, also known as Victory in Europe day, marks the end of the war with HItler in Europe. With it came the end of misery, suffering, and courage in Europe after 6 years. People celebrated this day in many different ways. Some rejoiced because they were going home and happy they won. But some people used the day to reflect on who they’ve lost and what the war meant to them. Some fighting still happened after VE Day when the Germans continued to fight the Red Army.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    The American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later the A bomb was droped on Nagasaki. These two bombs were the Americans idea of a way to end the war. These two bombs also were the cause of thousands of inicent peoples death, not only in the initial blast but the in the cancer that came to thousands of people because of the radiation. All in all this did end the war But at a terrible cost.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    VJ Day, also known as Victory in the Pacific Day, is the day when the Japanese surrendered to the Allied powers. The official document wasn’t signed until September 2nd. The United States requested an unconditional surrender by Japan but they refused and wanted Russia to be a mediator.
  • Bombing of Tokyo

    Bombing of Tokyo
    On March 10th, 1945, 300 American B-29 bombers dropped 2,000 tons of bombs on Japan’s capital city, Tokyo. The bombs destroyed neighborhoods and killed over 100,000 Japanese citizens. The bombers mission was to force a surrender by Japan. They used a tactic called fire bombing. This is when a small, concentrated area is bombed and a single bomb isn't very destructive, but the amount of bombs that are dropped do the damage in the long run.