Bryce's World War II Timeline

  • Holocaust Began

    Holocaust Began
    The Holocaust is the time period of when 6 million Jews died. They died because Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany and he started taking Jewish people to concentration camps and put them to work in the worst conditions imaginable and they got fed very little food and water. If any of the Jews were unfit to work or if they were old they were killed in gas chambers.
  • Bell Aircraft

    Bell Aircraft
    Bell Aircraft was a facility that built air crafts such as the B-29 planes, that were used in WWII. It was built in 54 weeks and was 3.2 million square feet. The head building contained about 32,000 tons of steel to build planes.
  • World War II Broke Out in Europe

    World War II Broke Out in Europe
    World War II broke out in Europe because Germany invaded Poland. England and France swore to Poland that they would protect its borders. Since Germany invaded Poland, they kept their promise and declared war on Germany.
  • Brunswick Shipyard

    Brunswick Shipyard
    It was a shipyard that would house and build ships.There was a emergency shipbuilding program that decided on 16 ports to build ships. It was an exportation for cotton and rice. Between 1941 and 1945 they built 99 vessels. The ships had the ability to heave thousands of tons of cargo.
  • Savannah Shipyard

    Savannah Shipyard
    It was a place where they built ships for transport during WWII. It was located on the Savannah River site just east of the city. Even though the contract said they had to build 36 ships, they assembled 88 vessels for the war.
  • Lend-Lease Program Created

    Lend-Lease Program Created
    The Lend-Lease Program was the U.S. giving military support for overseas countries during WWII. It allowed the president to give other countries weapons or any other protective materials. It allowed the U.S. to support its war interests without getting weakened in battle.
  • The Attacking of Pearl Harbor

    The Attacking of Pearl Harbor
    On December 7th, 1941 at 8:00 a.m. hundreds of Japanese planes attacked a naval base in Honolulu, Hawaii. This was the most destructive attack on american soil in history. The Japs destroyed 20 ships, 8 giant battleships and 300 planes.
  • D-Day

    It was a battle on the beach of Normandy in France that lasted from June 1944 to August 1944. It was one of the largest land-water battles of all time. On June 6, 1944 156,000 American, British and Canadian men arrived on 5 beaches along the 50- mile coast. It ended up with the Allies freeing Northern France, which was the biggest turning point of the war.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    This was the meeting of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin, and the President of the United States of America Franklin D. Roosevelt. At the conference they discussed what to do about the war and they came to a decision of demanding that Germany surrenders and what they will do post-war. They later scheduled another meeting in San Francisco in April to develop the United Nations.
  • Hitler's Death

    Hitler's Death
    Adolf Hitler died on April 30, 1945. He committed suicide by consuming a cyanide capsule. The reason he killed himself was because the allies were closing in on him, so he didn't want them to find him and his body.
  • Holocaust Ended

    Holocaust Ended
    The Allies were closing in on the German's Concentration Camps, so they evacuated the Jews out of the camps and did "
    death marches" which were when they would make them walk away from the oncoming allies in freezing cold weather with very little clothing on. When the allies finally made it to the Germans, they freed the Jews. About 350,000 to 400,000 people died on the marches.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    Bombing of Hiroshima
    On April 6, 1945 American bombers dropped the first atomic bomb used in war on a city called Hiroshima in Japan. It killed over 100,000 people. It was and as is the most lethal weapon that anybody can use. Japan learned real quick to not mess with the U.S.
  • Bombing of Nagasaki

    Bombing of Nagasaki
    On the day of August 9th, 1945, the U.S. dropped the most lethal weapon of the time on the city of Nagasaki. The A-Bomb's name was "Fat-Man" and it was much more powerful than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, "Little Boy". It had a lower death toll because it was accidentally dropped in between two mountains which partially absorbed the explosion. This bomb killed 40,000 people.
  • WWII Ended

    WWII Ended
    It was September 2nd, 1945 and the Allied Powers had overtaken the Axis Powers in Germany a month ago. They freed all of the prisoners in the Concentration Camps. The total death count from the Concentration Camps were 6 million deaths. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the actions that made Japan surrender the war. All the countries that were in the Allied Powers were celebrating this day.
  • United Nations Formed

    United Nations Formed
    On January 1st, 1942, 26 representatives at war with the Axis Powers met in Washington to sign the Declaration of United Nations supporting the Atlantic Charter, vowing to use their full resources against the Axis Powers and concurring not to make a independent peace. It was formed in San Francisco. The United Nations was created on October 24, 1945, after 29 nations had approved the Charter.