British immigration laws

  • Aliens Act

    The Aliens Act of 1905 was the first piece of immigration legislation in 20th century Britain.
  • Immigration from Europe

    Immigration from Europe
    White Europeans dominated the immigration in Britain.
    130.000 Poles and 14.000 Hungarians arrived.
  • Nationality Act

    Nationality Act
  • Commonwealth Immigrants Act

  • Immigration Act

    The Act set out structure of immigration control and gave power to home secretary to make immigration rules.
  • The British Nationality Act

    The act defines who is British by birth and how people may become British through naturalisation or registration. People who were born in the UK before 1983 were automatically British citizens by birth.
  • The Human Rights Act

    The Human Rights Act
    The right to a fair trial, which can apply to decisions made by Immigration Appeal Tribunals. The right to be free from torture, inhumane or degrading treatment, which can prevent the UK government from deporting anyone to a country where they might face torture the right to respect private and family life, which could affect decisions about the accommodation of asylum seekers.