
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Battle of the Atlantic
    -Hitler ordered U-boats to raid American cargo ships
    -The ships held supplies for the Allied forces
    -The Allies won due to radar allowing supply lines
  • Germany/Italy declares war on US

    Germany/Italy declares war on US
  • Stalingrad

    -Germany attacks Soviet Union
    -Stalingrad had massive industrial power that Hitler wanted
    -Turning point of the war, allowed the Soviet Union to move west
  • Operation TORCH

    Operation TORCH
    -Allies invade Axis controlled North Africa led by Gen. Eisenhower
    -Opened a second front to fight for the Allies
    -Raised the morale of American soldiers
  • Operation OVERLORD

    Operation OVERLORD
    -Allies invade Normandy, France at Omaha beach (D-day)
    -Eisenhower's goal was to liberate France and western Europe
    -Started the liberation process of western Europe
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    -Hitler ordered troops to try and take Antwerp as a desperate effort to regain the advantage
    -Hitler hoped a victory would cut off the Allies supply lines
    -Germany lost and retreated losing valuable supplies
  • Buchenwald

    -America liberated thier first concentration camp
    -The Allies were moving East and liberating more countries and camps
    -The liberations showed most of the terrible acts of Hitler
  • Harry S. Truman President

    Harry S. Truman President
    -Roosevelt died of stroke, did not live to see the end of the war
    -Truman took office because he was the Vice President
    -He saw that the war was brought to an end
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    -Nazi Germany surrendered
    -Victory in Europe day