Atomic theory

Atomic theory history

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    Aristotle belived that all atoms came from the four elements, air, earth, water, and fire. He also believed that atoms could not be constantly moving if they were in a void.
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    Democritus belived that if you continualy cut an attom, you would end up with an "uncuttable" piece. He named these "uncuttable" pieces particles, which means uncattable in Greek. He thought that these particles were made of one sublace only and were one particular shape. He also thought that they were constantly moving.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Dalton claimed that elements were able to combined wiht other elements because all elements are made of atoms. He came up with a three-part atomic theory:
    1. All particles are made of atoms, they cant be divided or destroyed. 2.Atoms of the same elements are identical diferent element's atoms are different. 3. atoms join with other substances to create new and different substances.
  • J.J. Thomson

    J.J. Thomson
    In and experiment using a cathode ray, Thomson disproved Dalton's atomic theory. he discovered that atoms can be divided. He used his results to create the Plum-Pudding model.
  • Rutherford

    In his expirement, Rutherford shot a beam of positively charged particles through a sheet of gold foil. What he got from the results disproved Thompsons theory that the paticles were soft (shown in his plum pudding model). Rutherfords results showed that not all of the particles allow the beam to go through. Some light particles were bounced back while most went through. This led Rutherford to creat a new and more accurate model.
  • Bohr

    He suggested that elecrons move in an infinate path around the neucleus. He also said that these paths were a certain distance away from the neucleus. Not only that but that electrons could not travel between paths, though they could jump from one path to another.
  • Schrodinger

    He came up with the Quantum Atomic Mechanical model. This showed that the obitals of an atom are in constant motion around the neucleus. This helped to describe the functions of waves.
  • Heisenberg

    This man realized that there are many things that cannot be definatly determined about an atom, like the exact location and velocity. He also found it impossible to track or predict exactly where an atom will be. He called this the Uncertanty Principle.