
Atomic Theory Contributors

  • 360


    Developed the idea that particles make up the worlds compounds, called them ''Atomos"
  • Lavisoter

    He theorized the law of conservation and the combution theory. He also named and discovered several elements, including oxygen.
  • John Dalton

    John Dalton
    Born 1766 Died 1844 Proprosed the idea of mols and a system with symbols to represent elements. He also relized the existnece of elements that make up the worlds compounds.
  • JJ Thomson

    JJ Thomson
    Discoved that there are objects (atoms) suraound a larger mass (atoms) of a particle.
  • Rutherford

    Proposed that the majority of at the atoms weight is made up of empty space made up of electrons
  • Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr
    Born 1885 Died 1962 Designed a modle for the shape and nature of an atom. He described electrons orbiting like planets.
  • Elwin Schrodinger

    Elwin Schrodinger
    Born 1887 Died 1961 Described how electorns orbet in a electron cloud and have no deninent design.
  • James Chadwick

    James Chadwick
    Born 1891 Died 1971 He discovered an unknown particle, a neutron, this helped create the nuclear bomb because a neutron can split the atom because it isn't pushed away by the atoms neuteral charge
  • Aristotle

    Born: 384 BC Died 322 BC He believed in four elements that made up everything in the world, fire, wind, watrer, and earth.