Photo on 2011 04 18 at 13.51

Annie Oakley

By grade5s
  • Annie Oakley was born.

    Annie Oakley was born.
    Phoebe Ann Moses (Annie Oakley real name) was born in Darke Country, Ohio. Her birthplace was (in a rough settler's cabin bulit by her father Jacob,) near the tiny villiage of Woodland. Her mother was Susan Moses. Her Dad was Jacob Moses. She had 5 sibblings.
  • Annie Oakley's Father Jacob died...

    Annie Oakley's Father Jacob died...
    He died when Annie was 5 years old. He left his wife with 6 young children. ㅠㅠ
  • Annie get sent to work at the Darke Country Infirmary

    Annie get sent to work at the Darke Country Infirmary
    Darke Country Infirmary was a poorhouse. A place for orphans and homeless poor people. She did house work for rooms and board. She made little money. She was not happy about working and living there.
  • Annie Oakley returned to home and her sister Lydia's wedding.

    Annie Oakley returned to home and her sister Lydia's wedding.
    Annie returned home in time for her sister Lydia's wedding. It was a happy reunion.
  • Annie met Frank Butler in shooting match

    Annie met Frank Butler in shooting match
    They met in a shooting match. They were almost tie, but Frank missed a last shot and Annie hitted.
  • Annie and Frank joined the circus

    Annie and Frank joined the circus
    Annie and Frank wanted to be in a circus. So they signed 40 weeks contracts the circus of Sells Brothers and arranged to meet Sells Brothers in Apirl.
  • Annie and Frank join Buffalo Bill's Wild West show

  • The Wild West shows performs in New York

  • Annie sailed to England for Queen Victoria's Golden Jublee

  • Annie rejoined the Wild West show and traveled to Paris

  • Wild West show traveled to Paris

  • Annie rejoined the Wild West show

  • Wild West show train crashed

    Wild West show train crashed
    In early morning, Wild West show was traveling North California to VIrginia by a train. It was the final show of the season, So all the show people were ready for long winter break and excited. But then a loud crashing sound appeared. The Wild West show's train was crashed by another train. Then people went to animal room to check that animals are ok. But 119 horses were killed and dozens of people got injured.
  • Newspaper said Annie was eating drug

    In 1903, a newspaper said that Annie was eating drug. It was a mistanke. Annie was not eating drug. So the newspaper company appolized to Annie. But the story spread so quickly. Alot of newspaper were writing lies about her. Her image was damaged. She appeared in the court more than 25 times.
  • Annie and Frank started to raise money for soldiers that were involved in World War 1

  • Annie Okaley died.

    Annie Okaley died.
    When she was 62 years old, she got hurt by a big car acciedent in Florida. She couldn't recover entirely. So she died.
  • Annie's husband Frank died.

    Annie's husband Frank died.
    After Annie died, her husband Frank, died 18 days later.. They were buried side by side in peaceful place in Ohio, just a few miles away from where Annie was born.