All Quiet on the Western Front

  • The War Begins

    The War Begins
    The war started on this day when Archduke of Sarajevo, Bosnia was killed.
  • Christmas Truce

    Christmas Truce
    The enemy soldiers came out of the trenches unarmed, and they sand and stuff with each other.
  • Lethal Gas

    Lethal Gas
    This is the invention and first use of lethal gas in WWI.
  • Paul Enlists in the Army

    Paul Enlists in the Army
    Kemmerich convinced Paul and a lot of other men to enlist in the army.
  • Paul Starts Training

    Paul Starts Training
    Paul is enlisted in the army and is now training under Himmelstoff's command.
  • Paul Gets His First Kill

    Paul Gets His First Kill
    A French Soldier jumped in the same hole that Paul was i, so he stabbed him.
  • Kemmerich Dies

    Kemmerich Dies
    Franz Kemmerich had his leg amputated and then died.
  • Paul Arrives at the Western Front

    Paul Arrives at the Western Front
    Paul gets to the western front and is about to start fighting.
  • Bombardment

    Paul's troop gets bombarded and they hide in the coffins in a graveyard.
  • Paul Gets Injured

    Paul Gets Injured
    A peice of shrapnel breaks Paul's arm.
  • Paul Goes Home

    Paul Goes Home
    Paul gets injured and leaves for home.
  • Paul's Mom Dies

    Paul's Mom Dies
    When Paul returns home, he finds his mom really sick and diesd, from cancer
  • Kropp Gets his Leg Amputated

    Kropp Gets his Leg Amputated
    Kropp gets shot in the leg and has to have his leg amputated.
  • Abandoned Camp

    Abandoned Camp
    The group is supposed to guard an abandoned village. And they get bombed, and Paul is injured.
  • Paul Returns to the Front

    Paul Returns to the Front
    Paul comes back to the war to fight after recovering from his injury.
  • Paul Breathes in Toxic Gas

    Paul Breathes in Toxic Gas
    Paul breathes in poisonous gas, which is very bad.
  • Kat Dies

    Kat Dies
    Kat is wounded by shrapnel and eventually dies before he can get help
  • Paul Dies

    Paul Dies
    Paul is killed right before the war ends.
  • The Troops Get to Go Home

    The Troops Get to Go Home
    Finally the war is over and the troops get to go home.
  • The War is Ended

    The War is Ended
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed which ended WWI.