Alexandre dumas 3

Alexandre Dumas

  • Alexandre Dumas's Birth

    Alexandre Dumas's Birth
    On July 24 1802, Alexandre Dumas was born. He was born in Villers-Cotterêts, in a region called Aisne. He was the son of General Thomas Alexandre Dumas Davy de la Pailetterie and of Marie-Louise Labouret.
  • School

    Alexandre Dumas enters Abbé Grégoire's school and will stay there until 1813.
  • Adolphe de Leuven

    Adolphe de Leuven
    In 1819 Dumas meets Adolphe de Leuven. Alexandre Dumas will write many of his first literary works with him.
  • First Time In Paris

    First Time In Paris
    In 1822, Alexandre Dumas made his first journey to Paris.
  • La Chasse et l'amour

    La Chasse et l'amour
    In 1825, Alexandre Dumas wrote the play La Chasse et l'amour with Leuven and was later performed.
  • Journey To Switzerland

    Journey To Switzerland
    In 1832, Alexandre Dumas makes his journey to Switzerland where he meets Chateaubriand.
  • Marriage

    In 1840 Alexandre Dumas marries an actress named Ida Ferrier.
  • Le Comte de Monte Cristo

    Le Comte de Monte Cristo
    In 1844, Alexandre Dumas wrote Le Comte de Monte Cristo. His collaborations with Auguste Maquet begin.
  • Théâtre Historique

    Théâtre Historique
    In 1847 Dumas opens his theatre, Théâtre Historique.
  • Publication of Les Mille et un fantômes

    Publication of Les Mille et un fantômes
    In 1849, Dumas holds an auction for his publication of Le Comte de Monte Cristo. He also publishes Les Mille et un fantômes.
  • Bankruptcy

    In 1850, Dumas is prosecuted for debts and the Théâtre Historique is bankrupt.
  • Death

    On December 5th, 1870, Alexandre Dumas died at the age of 68 in his sons villa in Puys near Dieppe. His funeral is held 3 days later on December 8th.