Albert einstein

Albert Einstein

  • Birth of Albert Einstein

    Birth of Albert Einstein
    Albert was born in Ulm, Germany. he was a cutie.
  • Family moving

    Family moving
    Albert and his family move to munich, and he attends a catholic school there.
  • Albert stays

    Albert stays
    alberts family moves to italy without him, because of financial reasons. he stays to finish his education in munich.
  • leaving germany

    leaving germany
    Albert doesn't like being alone. so, he moves to italy to live with his family. he is sent to Swiss Town of Aarau to finish high school
  • graduation day!

    graduation day!
    At the age 17, albert graduates high school and enrolls at the ETH in zurich.
  • graduating college

    graduating college
    Einstein Graduates from ETH with a degree in physics
  • baby

    Meliva and Albert have a baby named Lieserl Einstein, who is later given up for adoption
  • baby son

    baby son
    meliva and einstein get married in 1903 jan. 6. a year later have a son named Hans Einstein. he was born in berne, Germany
  • Theory of Relativity

    Theory of Relativity
    Albert creates the Theory of Relativity and applies it to mass and energy and creates the famous formula. E=mc2
  • privatdozent

    Albert becomes a privatdozent (an associate professor) at the University of Bern
  • Patent Office

    Patent Office
    resigns from the patent office and is appointed Associtate Professor of theoretical physics of Zurich University
  • Eduard

    they had another son named eduard, he was born in munich. he later writes a paper of critical opalescence that describes why the sky is blue.
  • Bending light

    Bending light
    Einstein predicts bending of light, and is appointed Professor of theoretical physics at German University of Prague.
  • WWI

    wwI begins while einstein in professor at the University of Berlin, and he signs anit war. "Manifesto to Europeans"
  • New Fatherland League

    New Fatherland League
    Completes the General Theory of Relativity and joins the New Fatherlan League, a pacifist organization.
  • leaves germany

    leaves germany
    Einstein Immigrates to the U.S and settles in Princeton, New jeresy where he stays at a post at the institute for advanced study
  • The World as I See It

    The World as I See It
    A book was published by Albert, talking about how he sees the world.
  • wwII

    World War 2 starts and einstein warns president roosevelt that germany might build an atomic bomb. and recommended nuclear research.
  • U.S navy

    U.S navy
    Einstein works with the u.s navy on building and advancing ammunitioin and explosives
  • Meliva

    Meliva dies. Albert is heartbroken :(
  • Presidency

    Albert was offered presidency of the state of Israel. he turned the offer downnnnnnn
  • Death of Albert Einstein

    Death of Albert Einstein
    He was Experiencing Internal bleeding on the april 17th. the next died the next day in the princeton hospital at the age of 76.
  • Co-signing

    Einstein Co-signs the Russell-Einstein Manifesto warning of the nuclear threat.