Alan Chalmers

  • Alan Chalmers born

    Alan Chalmers was born in January of 1939 in Bristol, England.
  • Bachelors Degree

    Chalmers earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics at the University of Bristol in 1961
  • Masters Degree

    Chalmers earned his Master of Science in physics from the University of Manchester in 1964.
  • Chalmers published his book "Science and its fabrication"

    In 1990, Chalmers published a book called Science and it's fabrication. Chalmers wrote this, which was adding to the foundation of an earlier study, presents an alternative understanding of science. Chalmers talks on negative and positive sides of science but has an appreciation of science as well as a clarification of its limitations.
    “Science and Its Fabrication.” University of Minnesota Press, Accessed 10 May 2021.
  • The scientist's atom and the philosophers stone

    Chalmers published another book in 2009 called The scientist's atom and the philosophers stone. Chalmers used his own studies as well as others to develop a detailed and documented history of theories of the atom in regard to Democritus to the 20th century.
    Boantza, Victor D. “Alan Chalmers. The Scientist’s Atom and the Philosopher’s Stone: How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms.” Isis, vol. 103, no. 1, Mar. 2012, pp. 217–18.