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Airplane timeline

  • The first winged aircraft was made

    The first winged aircraft was made
  • First succesful flying model propeelled by an internal combustion engine

    First succesful flying model propeelled by an internal combustion engine
  • First sucessful flying manned flights

    First sucessful flying manned flights
  • The first flights across the ocean began

    The first flights across the ocean began
  • The first passanger planes are made. It could seat up 10 people

    The first passanger planes are made. It could seat up 10 people
  • The first larger passager jets are made. It could set more than 10 people.

    The first larger passager jets are made. It could set more than 10 people.
  • Is introducing the biggest two-engine jet ever to fly

    Is introducing the biggest two-engine jet ever to fly