
Agatha Cristie's Biography

  • Agatha Christie's birth

    Agatha Christie's birth
    Agata Christie was born on September 15, 1890 in Torquay, Devon in the South West part of England.
  • Period: to

    Agatha Christie's Life

    She was an English crime novelist, short story writer, and playwright.
  • Agata Christie's First Husband

    Agata Christie's First Husband
    His name is Coronell Archibald is a Royal flying corps pilot.
  • Agatha Christie's Daughter

    Agatha Christie's Daughter
    On the 5th August 1919 Agatha gave birth to their only daughter, Rosalind.
  • Agatha Christie First Novel

    Agatha Christie First Novel
    First novel is The Mysterius Affair at Styles in 1920, the story focused on the murder of a rich heress and introduced readers to one of Christie's most famous characters Belgian Detective: Hercule Poirot.
  • Agatha Christie's divorce

    Agatha Christie's divorce
    Christie divorced Archibal in 1928, after Archie feel in love with a friend of the family, Nancy.
  • Agatha Christie's Second Husband

    Agatha Christie's Second Husband
    In 1930, she married archaelogy professor Max Mallowan.
  • The Mousetrap opened at the Ambassador theatre

    The Mousetrap opened at the Ambassador theatre
    The Mousetrap opened in 1951 at the Ambassador theatre and it holds the record for the longest unbroken run in a London Theatre.
  • Dame Agatha Christie

    Dame Agatha Christie
    In 1971 she made her last public apereance for the opening night of the play version of Murder on The Orient Express. Christie was made a dame in 1971.
  • Agatha Christie's death

    Agatha Christie's death
    Agatha Christie died in January 17, 1976,