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Abigail Adams

  • Birth of Abigail Adams

    Birth of Abigail Adams
    Born in Weymouth, Massachusetts a mere 12 miles from Boston. Her father Reverend William Smith, and mother Elizabeth, had four children, Abigail being the second.
  • Marriage to John Adams

    Marriage to John Adams
    John Adams was a freind of the family tutor and they met and fell in love when she was 17. Abigail’s pastor father married them in the First Congregational Church.
  • First Child Born

    First Child Born
    Named Abigail “Nabby” Adams, she was a helpful companion to her mother. She was born just nine months after John and Abigail married.
  • Second Child Born

    Second Child Born
    John Quincey Adams was named after his great grandfether on his mother’s side. He would later become the sixth POTUS.
  • Third Child Born

    Third Child Born
    Susanna Adams was the youngest daughter and died at age two of illness.
  • Fourth Child Born

    Fourth Child Born
    Charles Adams was their fourth child and was born in New York. He struggled with alcoholism and later died because of it.
  • Abigail Adams Goes to Europe

    Abigail Adams Goes to Europe
    She meets up with her husband in france while he is the ambassador for the United States
  • John Adams Becomes President

    John Adams Becomes President
    John Adams runs for president against Thomas Jefferson and follows Washington as the second POTUS.
  • John & Abigail Retire To Farm

    John & Abigail Retire To Farm
    After losing the next election, they retire home to live quietly on their ranch. Their correspondence stops here.
  • Death of Abigail Adams

    Death of Abigail Adams
    Died living with her husband on the family farm. She is buried along with John in the First Church of Quincy.