A Rose for Emily

By cxr
  • family argument

    Miss Emily's father got into a family argument.He separated form the family.
  • father died

    father died
    Emily's father was the only thing that she had.When he died she didn't believe that he was dead for three days.
  • taxes remitted

    the leaders come to Miss Emily's house to try and get her to pay taxes.But Colonel Sartoris remitted Miss Emily's taxes.
  • Lime around the house

    Lime around the house
    men put lime around Miss Emily's house to get rid of the smell of her house.
  • Town gets contracts for sidewalks

    Homer comes around to Miss Emily
  • Homer comes to town

    homer is gay. He hangs out with Miss Emily
  • Minister goes to Miss Emily's house for an interview

    once the minister leaves the house he tells he town people that he doesn't want to go back into the house.
  • Emily gives china painting lessons

    Emily gives china painting lessons
    china painting was popular when she grew up.she stop giving lessons because nobody really liked it anymore
  • 1Miss Emily buys poison

    1Miss Emily buys poison
    Homer asks what Miss Emily wants the arsenic for.Emily just stares at him until he gets it for her.
  • Alderman tries to collect Emily's taxes

  • Miss Emily's death

    Emily died at the age of 74.
  • Homer's skeleton is found

    Homer's skeleton was found after 6 months of miss Emily's death.They know that she had killed him because there was a strand of Miss Emily's gray hair on him.