"A Life in the Wild" Chapter 3

  • Traveled

    George and Kay traveled to Central India to study tigers.
  • Meeting a new friend

    Meeting a new friend
    George met a tiger that is currently guarding it's kill. One of her ears have notch in it. Which lead George to call it Cut-ear.
  • Kanha

    Kanha was a National Park that was graceful with rolling hills.
  • Studying

    George went off to look around and found a dead cow. He hid in hope to see the tiger. He did and watched it's every move.
  • More Studying

    More Studying
    George continued to study the tigers hoping to see something that would be very interesting for his study.
  • Overall

    George studied the tigers and animals of Kanha National Park and found very interesting things. For example, if there wasn't enough food, the smaller cub dies. Although it wasn't just the tigers that George studied, he studied the tigers prey for around 700 hours.
  • Ending

    In March, when George got enough interesting details, his studying came to an end along with the tigers young life.