Chapter 27 Timeline

  • Washington Conference is Held

    Washington Conference is Held
    A conference held with 9 nations, it resulted in a number of small treaties between said countries over control in Asia. Credited for allowing japan to come to power.
  • Kellogg-Briand Pact

    Kellogg-Briand Pact
    The pact stated that war should never be used as a tool of aggression or gain. Signed between several countries, and essentially did nothing. Would be the same as the UN saying to never fight ever at all.
  • Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler and his nazi party are sworn into power on this day. Would later lead to Hitler causing the country to begin WWII.
  • Italy Invades Ethiopia and other Portions of North Africa

    Italy Invades Ethiopia and other Portions of North Africa
    Italy invades parts of Africa out of a spout of colonialism and imperialism. Contributes to the starting of WWII.
  • Japanese Invasion of China

    Japanese Invasion of China
    Japan invades China, taking Manchuria, Korea, and etc. This starts war in Asia, and lays down the roots for WWII in the Pacific.
  • Beginning of WWII

    Beginning of WWII
    Generally considered to have started on September 1st, the day marks the German invasion of Poland. Once again, Poland is no longer a country.
  • German Invasion of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg

    German Invasion of France, Belgium, and Luxembourg
    Germany invades the countries for territory and holds of Europe. With France's surrender, Germany could begin an air campaign on Englad with a possible invasion.
  • Lend-Lease Act is enacted

    Lend-Lease Act is enacted
    The Lend-Lease act is put into effect. The act basically had the U.S. trade with and supply militarily Allied nations.
  • America enters the War

    America enters the War
    With the attack on Pearl Harbor, America declares war on Japan. Hitler then declares on America along with Italy, putting the U.S. on the side of the Allies.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    Battle of Stalingrad begins with German invasion. The battle resulted in bitter fighting for months, with the Germans eventually retreating. Taking the city would have given the Germans more resources to wage war.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    Guadalcanal was a Japanese held island providing a safe trade route. Invade mostly by the U.S., the battle would last months with large amounts of death. The Allies took it for the trade protection between Australia, New Zealand, and the U.S.
  • Allied Invasion of Italy

    Allied Invasion of Italy
    The first Allied invasion of the European contintent begins. Pushing back Rommel from North Africa, the Allies grabbed a foothold on Europe.
  • D-Day

    The allied invasion of France culminated with the transport of 3 million soldiers. In planning for years, it was and still remains the largest invasion in human history. Many died, but it gave the allies a grip of Europe.
  • Paris is Liberated

    Paris is Liberated
    Paris is liberated from German control jointly by the Allies and several resistance groups. Leads to a higher moral among the Allies, and gives the Axis a large step backwards.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    Iwo Jima was an island in the Pacific within close range of the Japanese mainland. One of the most bloodiest battles of the Pacific Theater, the capturing of the island allowed for the possibilty of American invasion of Japan.
  • Mussolini Dies

    Mussolini Dies
    Mussolini is killed by the people of Italy. His corpse is beaten and basically mutilated. Italians rejoice.
  • Hitler dies

    Hitler dies
    The fuhrer takes his own life so he will not be held/tried/tortured by the invading Russian soldiers.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    WWII in Europe comes to an end with Germany's unconditional surrender. Celebrated all over the world, the Allies still had to fight on a front on the other side of the world.
  • Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima

    Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
    The Japanese city of Hiroshima gets the grand prize of being the first city to be destroyed by a nuclear detonation. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would subsequently cause Japan to surrender, ending WWII. National policy in the coming years would be radically different with the idea of nuclear possesion.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    Japan surrenders to the U.S. days after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The surrender effectively ends WWII.