
9/11 attacks

  • 8:46 A.M on September 11, 2001.

    8:46 A.M on September 11, 2001.
    The north tower was hit by an American Airlines Boeing 767 loaded with 20,000 gallons of jet fuel crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City.
  • 9:03, A.M South tower hit

    9:03, A.M South tower hit
    Just eighteen mintues from the first one, the south towner is hit by a American Airline plane, this time with 21,000 gallons of jet fuel.
  • At 9:37 A.M., The Pentagon was attacked in Washington,

    At 9:37 A.M., The Pentagon was attacked in Washington,
    At 9:37, the pentagon was attacked, just mintues before the south tower collapese, and 45 mintues after the attack on the north tower.
  • 9:59 A.M. The south tower is down

    9:59 A.M. The south tower is down
    9:59 A.M, South tower of WTC collapses in approximately 10 seconds.
  • 10:28 A.M North tower down

    10:28 A.M North tower down
    At 10:28 A.M the North tower collapsed.This whole event killed over 200 firefighters and 400 police men. To this day, they are still trying to identify people from the crash.
  • 5:20 P.M The world trade center collapes.

    5:20 P.M The world trade center collapes.
    The World trade center number 7 falls. It was on fire for 5 hours.
  • America, the Great.

     America, the Great.
    As the day ended, they find that through all of the attacks, 3,000 people died. New York was a mess, and all planes were grounded for a week. But America still stands strong. And we will never forget that day, on September, 11th, 2001.
  • 10:03 Flight 93 crashes into a field.

    10:03 Flight 93 crashes into a field.
    This is the 3rd plane that was hijacked that day. This flight took off late. When the hijackers took over the plane, they used the same words that the others did in atempt to take over the plane. But the passgeners on board decided has a group to take over the plane. As the atempt scared the hijakcers, they decided to take the plane down. They were only 18 mintues away from the whitehouse at the time.