Women Of World War ll

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    Women Of World War ll

  • Genevieve and Lucille Baker(1918-1941)

    Both twin sisters Genvieve Baker and Lucille Baker Joined the Noral Coast!Dyring World WarII.Genevive died before her sister Lucille but Genieve was never married but her sister Lucille was so her new name became Lucille White but her husband died in 1938.Nether sister had kids--->Genenvieve died in(1940)--->and Lucille died in(1941)
  • Lorettta Walsh(1896-1925)

    Loretta Walsh was the"First Yeoman(F)in the Nazy"
  • Mary Ldwig Hays McCauley(1918-1938)

    At the age of 13, Mary Luwig Hays McCauley went to work as a Domestic/Servent in WWll.
  • Opha M.Johnson(1918-1932)

    Opha M.Johnson war the First U.S Marine Crops Reserve in World WarII.
  • Colonel Oveta Culp Hobby(1905-1995)

    Colonl Oveta Culp Hobby was the Director of the WAC in WWll.
  • Annie G. Fox(1941-1945)

    Annie G.Fox was a Serving at Hickam Field during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and for that acheviment she recived The Purple Heart!
  • Nancy Harkness Love(1914-1976)

    Nancy Harkness Selled Airplanes on Commision in WWll
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    Women Of World Warll

    Theses are some of the famous wemon in WWll