
By rochedi
  • 502

    Confucius became a scholar

    Confucius finally became a scholar at 49 years old.
  • 506

    Confucius wanted to become a philosopher

    Confucius wanted to become a philosopher
    Confucius had set his heart on learning and wanted to become a philosopher.
  • 527

    Confucius does not have a child

    Confucius has an argument with his wife about having a child and they decided not to.
  • 536

    Confucius became a military leader

    At 15 years old Confucius became a military leader.
  • 543

    Confucius' mother dies

    Confucius' mother dies in 543 B.C.
  • 551


    Confucius was born in 551 B.C. in China in the state of Lu.
  • 551

    A unicorn approached Confucius

    A unicorn approached Confucius when he was born.
  • Confucius quits post

    Confucius quits post
    Confucius quit his post in 478 and set out on long perlirous trails and journeys.
  • Confucius returns

    Confucius returns
    Confucius returns to China in 484 B.C back from the Middle Kingdom.
  • Death

    Confucius dies in 479 B.C.
  • Confucius helps remodel his temple

    Confucius helps remodel his temple
    In 480 B.C. Confucius helps remodel his temple.
  • losing his mind

    Confucius started to lose his mind in his final days in 479 B.C.
  • Confucius travels to the middle kingdom

    Confucius travels to the Middle Kingdom after quiting his post in 496.
  • Confucius teaching his students

    Confucius decided to teach students about philosophy.
  • Confucius memorizes the Book of Songs

    Confucius memorizes the Book of Songs which has roughly 1000 songs.
  • Confucius retires

    Confucius retires from being a philosopher
  • Confucius' father dies

    At age 3 Confucius' father dies.
  • Confucius became a major risk taker

    After confucius was considered a traitor he came back to China.
  • Confucius is married

    Confucius decides to get married.
  • The Golden Rule

    Confucius created the Golden Rule in 492 B.C.