Nazi aaaaaaaaa


  • Nazi Invasion of Poland

    Nazi Invasion of Poland
    The Luftwaffe Launches air attacks against Krako, Lodz, And Warsaw. The Germany navy later demands the old Schleswig-Holdston to strike the Polish Military Transit Depot.
  • Period: to


  • Assassination of Hitler fails

    Assassination of Hitler fails
    A time Bomb was planted by George Elesar in a hollowed pillar. The Bomb was going to detonate when Hitler made His speech. Hitler ended his speech early as result the bomb explodes killing 8 people other than Hitler.
  • Germany invades Norway and Denmark

    Germany invades Norway and Denmark
    Germany invaded Denmark and Norway as a defensive manoeuver against a planned Franco-British Occupation. After the Invasions, envoys of Germany Were noticed by the government's of Norway and Denmark.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    It was a suprise attack that killed over 2,403 men, estroyed 188 planes, and crippled 8 ships. Japan later went on a campaign across the philippines.
  • Hideki Tojo Becomes war General

    Hideki Tojo Becomes war General
    Hideki tojo Becomes general. He led the attack on pearl harbor. after the end of the war he was sentenced to death
  • D Day

    D Day
    This was the invasion of Normandy. This Battle consisted of aerial attacks, and amphibous landings. This had the most number of troops
  • The Liberation of Paris

    The Liberation of Paris
    This battle started as the uprising French rebellion against the Nazi German Garrison. This also leads to the end of the Normandy Campaign
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    After D-Day Happened, The Germans Made their last offensive technique to defeat all allied forces. Luckily the U.S stopped Germany Causing them to fall Back
  • death of Adolf Hitler

    death of Adolf Hitler
    After massive attacks in Berlin, Hitler Decides to kill himself by taking poison and shooting himself in the head. This brings the near conclusion of the war
  • Atomic bomb in Hiroshima

    Atomic bomb in Hiroshima
    After the events of pearl harbor the united states build 2 atomic bombs. This eventually would lead to deaths of thousands of people hitting both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is the last major event in the war