Rosa Parkes Life

  • Birthday

    This Rosa Parks timeline starts on February 4, 1913 when Rosa Louise McCauley was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. Her parents were James McCauley, a carpenter and Schoolteacher Leona McCauley
  • Marriage

    Rosa get married at 19 to Raymond Parks who was a barber
  • Arrested

    one day after work Rosa was sittting on the bus to go home and all of the seats were takin so the driver said for her to get up and let a white man take her seat she refused and got arrested.
  • Rosa dies

    Rosa dies
    In 2004, Rosa was diagnosed with progressive dementia and died the following year on October 24, 2005. Three days after Rosa's death, all of the city buses in Montgomery and Detroit reserved their front seats with black ribbons in her honor, and remained this way until Rosa was put into her final resting place.
  • receieves a medal

    receieves a medal
    In the year on 1979 she receieve the NAACP award which is an a award given to a black male or female for an outstanding acievement.