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10 Key Historical Energy Events

  • First Steam Engine

    First Steam Engine
    The steam engine was able to generate power and transmit it to a machine
  • First Electric Light

    First Electric Light
    Also known as the first lightbulb
  • Oil Well in U.S.

    Oil Well in U.S.
    This was the first oil well in the U.S. and could sufficient amounts of oil and gas.
  • Batteries

    The first battery was made from copper and zinc discs that were piled on top of one another. They were seperated by either a thin piece of cloth or cardboard that had been soaked in brine.
  • Electric Lamp

    Electric Lamp
    The same lmaps that we have today, they just look different
  • Automobiles

    Created by Henry Ford.
  • Hoover Dam

    Hoover Dam
    Hoover Dam was opened to the public
  • Nuclear Fission discovered

    Nuclear Fission discovered
    This soon became the main process to generate nuclear energy
  • Silicon Solar Cells

    Silicon Solar Cells
    This was an electrical device that converts sunlight energy into electricity
  • Solar Panel Production Begins