Walter Preissing Timeline

  • Walter Eugene Preissing was born

    In 1909, Walter was born to Angelika and Georgre Preissing in Zurich, Switzerland. While born in Switzerland, Walters parents were both from Germany.
  • Arrival to United States

    Arrival to United States
    Walter (3 years old) arrived with his parents, George and Angelika, on the Cleveland Ship. Their final destination was Chicago, Illinois. Walter was described to have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a fair complexion in the arriving passenger list.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    George- Walter's father's registration card for World War 1.
  • Marriage to Katherine Harrington

    Marriage to Katherine Harrington
    Ann Katherine Harrington and Walter Preissing fot married at St. Joan of Arc in Indianapolis, Indiana.
  • Renting an apartment in Chicago

    Renting an apartment in Chicago
    During the 1930 census, this was where Water, Katherine and their son lived. Walter worked in the theater buisness as a musican to make a living and support his family.
  • Birth of Son Walter

    Birth of Son Walter
    Katherine and Walter had their first son Walter C Prissing in 1930.
  • Birth of Son George

    Birth of Son George
    George Preissing was born in 1934. This is my dad-Patrick's Dad(or my grandpa).
  • 1940 Census

    1940 Census
    Walters occupation was listed as a musician. The family also seemed to still live in chicago but moved to Hamlin Ave.
  • World War 2 - Registration Card

    World War 2 - Registration Card
    Walter registered for the WW2 draft in October, 1940. At this point he had been working for the National Broadcasting Co.
  • Birth of daughter Ann

    Ann Preissing was born in 1944. The youngest and last of the Walter and Katherine's.
  • 1950 Census

    1950 Census
    Walter's Occupation is listed as a radio musician for a radio station.
  • Son George Marries Juliana Steffan

  • Death of Father George

  • Birth of Grandchild -Patrick

    Birth of Grandchild -Patrick
    My Dad was born in 1966 to George and Juliana. He is in the middle and my grandma is on the right.
  • Death of Walter E Preissing